The Children Are Loud Today

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Norman's pov:

After we finally got out of Barbara's train of death we met up with the second years in one of the old meeting rooms in the school. Maki was walking towards the door while Kugisaki was complaining and grumbling about Itadori, not being able to go to Kyoto and everything else that has pissed her off in the last few days. Itadori was sitting with a picture frame in front of his face. He seemed really sad as Fushiguro sat off to the side letting the idiots do what they wanted.

         "Kugisaki please, I already apologized!"

          "Shut up! Stay like that for a while!" Itadori groaned but did as he was told.

           "Now now, he already explained his situation, so just forgive him already." Panda said. Itadori looked up at him with a confused and slightly scared face.

            "It spoke!" He said quietly.
          "Shake sushi, shake sushi." Inumaki said from the other side of Itadori. Now he was definitely confused.

           "Come again?"

           "Inumaki is a spell caster. It's a kind of exorcism that amplifies the power of words and forces them on people. So he limits what he says." Fushiguro explained.

           "So if he tells someone to go die then they'll die?" I snickered softly. I'm sure he could do that if he tried hard enough.

          "It's not that convenient. It depends on the user. But strong words have a larger recoil and goes right back at him. Limiting his vocabulary is mostly to protect himself." Panda finished.

            "So why can you talk, senpai?" Itadori asked. That's actually a good question. But that's probably because Panda is not a panda. However he was completely ignored.

             "He's just explaining someone else's technique…" Kugisaki grumbled.

            "It's fine it doesn't affect Toge after all. Anyways, Yuji…" Itadori moved the frame from his face and looked over at Maki. "... Give back my Slaughter Demon."  Itadori started sweating while he tried to think of the best way to stay alive. He took a deep breath and took his chances.

                "Gojo sensei has it." He said with a dark look on his face.

                "Tch, that blindfolded bastard!" Maki said angrily. I smiled. I have no idea what happened to it but from the way Itadori acted… I'm guessing he either broke it or lost it. Maki sighed and sat down. "So what do we do about the battle formations? We don't have time to change it just because of one new member." Did they forget about me or are they not even considering me as an asset to the team? Probably the latter.

           "Okaka." Inumaki said.

           "Well that depends on Yuji." Panda said as he climbed the beams in the room. Imagine that, a giant talking panda acting like a normal panda every once in awhile.

          "Kicking and punching." Itadori said. Straight to the point and nothing more.

         "We have enough of that." Itadori's gaze fell slightly before Fushiguro spoke.

           "I don't know what he's been doing since he died but if everyone here got up and fought him, then Itadori would win." If that's not a man trying to stand up for his boyfriend then I don't know what is. Maki smiled at him.

            "Nice." It went silent for a whole 3 seconds before Panda started roaring again.

            "WE FORGOT TINY GOJO!!! WE NEVER ADDED HIM INTO THE PLAN!!" I smiled nervously and hid behind a beam. These people are too much sometimes. Sadly Inumaki seems to love messing with me so he used his technique on me.

              "Come here Norman."

             "FUCK!" I walked out from behind the beam and stopped in front of him as he zipped his collar back up. Panda gave me a bear hug (no pun intended) and it was crushing me.

             "Okay your technique lets you bring dead people back to life and a flower lets you get cursed energy to use to bring the dead people back?" Maki said. She's nearly hit the mark but I'll give her points for getting close.

              "Wait seriously!?" Itadori asked in complete shock.

             "Well duh but it was kinda…" Kugisaki fell off. She probably doesn't understand it very much. Shit I don't really understand. I don't know where my dead friends go when I don't need them. But I'm guessing that there's a place like the afterlife. I just hope that it's got a lot for them to do.

           "My cursed technique lets me… well actually it's like what Maki said. Except I can't just bring anyone back and there's a time limit. Certain people make me use more cursed energy and others don't. The flower changes color depending on if I kill an actual living creature or a cursed spirit, and I can send them into Sukuna's domain inside of Itadori." I started off speaking pretty loudly but then got quiet as I finally finished my explanation.

           "Wait is that why that one lady was trying to..  eat me?" Itadori started sweating slightly.

           "Don't worry you're human. Barbara is a little... special that way." Itadori let out a breath of relief.

           "Anyone useful we could use?" Maki asked. I smiled and nodded.

       "Junpei is able to use cursed techniques and I think he'll be extremely useful today. Let's see. Barbara because she's pretty fast and catches onto plans easily. Ray because he's just as good as I am in coming up with plans and he's stronger than I am. Uhh, Emma because she's extremely athletic and good with hitting targets both moving and stationary. Isabella and Krone because they're a good tag team. There's more but those are the main ones." I finished. Maki nodded and stood up.

             "Let's go outside, we're starting soon." We all followed her outside as everyone started stretching and getting ready for the team event. Fushiguro walked up to Itadori and gave him a kind of worried look.

            "Itadori, did something happen?"

            "Huh? Oh well you know it's kinda stressful having such a big role." I shook my head slightly. Fushiguro gave him a piercing look and Itadori looked down and scratched his head. "Well… yeah something did happen. But it's fine." He turned and was about to walk away when Fushiguro walked past him and was talking to him, you know a heart to heart but I wasn't paying attention. Something doesn't feel right about today. I was half thinking about summoning one of my ghosts but then Kugisaki started yelling again.

          "What do you mean kinda?! You wanna die?!"

           "Don't get your panties in a knot." I mumbled.

           "The hell did you say?!" I glared at her. The gnawing feeling in my stomach that something was wrong was getting stronger. I guess my glare scared her because she shut up.

          "Alright alright you two. Norman get your hormones in check, Kugisaki he's probably on that time of the month if you know what I mean." Panda said while elbowing her.

         "Alright with that said, let's win this!" They heard a sound from the side and looked over. Maki looked back at Itadori who was squatting in front of her and kicked him.

        "Who said you could be in front!?"

        "Who cares? This is a nice photo." Ray said as he looked. He looked up at me and seemed to read my mind. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds before he disappeared.

         "What was that about?" Kugisaki asked. Inumaki shrugged and waited for the buzzer. I looked over and saw what looked like a buff plant thing? I don't know but it's giving me the creeps. I have a really bad feeling about today.

Ugh, sorry this one is so short and kinda bland, next chapter will definitely be better. Anyways have a wonderful day, hope you enjoyed :)

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