Sukuna's daily life pt 2

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Sukuna's pov:

"What do you mean you're adopting them?!" The glasses girl screamed at me.

"I mean I'm going to turn these kids into the most fearsome warriors in the history of mankind!" Carol woke up at that moment and changed her position so she was hugging my side before falling back asleep. "After their nap though, I'm not that much of a monster to deprive them of their sleep." I said to the older kids.

"But you would do that." Cyclops boy said.

"Don't you do that to Itadori on a daily basis?" The glasses girl said to me.

"He screams so loudly that Itadori wakes up thinking it's on the outside." The bean headed one said.

"You kids shut your mouths." I growled at them.

"We're not gonna just allow you to ruin our siblings like that!" Glasses girl said to me.

"Yes, you will. Now leave." Before the girl could argue anymore Cyclops' boy stopped her.

"Their innocence will be no match for you." He said to me. I smirked at him.

"That sounds like a challenge. I'll turn them into the most blood thirsty little shits to ever live!" He just nodded and the three of them disappeared.


"No, you hold it like this. Perfect." I said to Phil as he was finally holding a knife. Carol came toddling over holding a skull. "Now stab this." I said and put the skull in front of him.

"Won't that hurt it?" Phil asked me.

"No, it's already dead." I told him. He put the knife down and instead hugged the skull and apologized to it. I sighed. Carol walked over to Phil and hugged him as well. This is going to be way harder than I thought. "Okay, how about if you stab it I'll give you something in return." I said to him.

"Like a loving mother that doesn't sell us to get eaten?" He asked me. I really didn't know what to say to that. "Just kidding, I don't want anything." I felt myself start to get annoyed.

"Nothing? Like you don't want a single thing in the entire world?" I asked him.

"No." I can't bribe him? Bullshit, kids are greedy little creatures. I'll find something that he wants.

"What about you Carol?" She looked up at me with wide eyes before smiling.

"A piggyback ride!" She shouted. Finally something that I can use against them!

"Carol, you can't ask that of him. He might have back pains. He's old." Phil said to her. The little girl instantly dropped her head in shame.

"I'm sorry." She said softly.

"First of all I will give piggyback rides, and secondly I have nothing better to do. As you can see-" I said and gestured around my domain. "- there's nothing else to do but sit around all day. I'm the king of curses! Carrying a couple of kids is nothing to me!" I said to them arrogantly. I really do regret doing that because for the next few hours that was all I did. I really do wonder who's in charge. Is it me, the curse that's lived for more than a thousand years? Or is it the two kids who died not that long ago? I don't know anymore but what I do know is that these kids are mine now and no one is taking them from me.


Eventually it was time for them to go. I made sure to make it look like I didn't care but... I just couldn't.

"Okay, Carol, Phil, say goodbye to the evil finger demon." Cyclops boy said to them. I glared down at them but they must have picked up on the fact that I wasn't actually mad.

"Bye Sukuna. Let's play again sometime!" Phil said to me. I just scoffed and looked away. But then I saw it. All of that training. It wasn't for nothing! Carol had finally kicked the skull! She's on the path I had set up for her and the rest of the kids had looks of fear on their faces. "CAROL!! You can't do that!" Phil screamed as he ran to her.

"It's fun!" She said happily.

"It doesn't matter if it's fun or not, that's not nice!" He said to her.

"It really doesn't seem to be that bad... she still needs some work if she really wants to be just like me." I said to Phil. He kicked my shin and honestly what kind of parent- I mean teacher would I be if I wasn't proud- I mean amazed at the fact that he was capable of inflicting pain onto others. "You also still need some work but we're getting there. Phil sighed and grabbed Carol's hand and started walking towards the older kids.

"Bye bye, Papa Sukuna!" Carol shouted as they all left. I sighed.

"Finally they're gone... Damn this sucks." I said to myself as I sat on my throne... all alone. So I did the only thing I could. I started banging a couple of bones together.

"SUKUNA STOP MAKING SOUNDS!! IT'S TWO IN THE GODDAMN MORNING!!" The brat shouted. I smirked at this. At least some things don't change.

Pov switch:

"Carol, where did you learn those words from?" Isabella asked the little girl.

"Papa Sukuna!" Carol said happily. Isabella nodded with a smile before walking away.

"Sukuna, you're dead." Isabella said with a scowl as she pulled out a gun and made her way to Sukuna's domain.

Hello! Another update, I really need to get back into a writing schedule. Anyway next chapter is coming soon. Hope you enjoy :)

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