The Experiment

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Third person pov:

Itadori and Norman were finally in the kitchen getting the first part of their experiment ready. Norman had all kinds of food on the table as well as some kitchen cleaners and poisons.

"Alright, are you and Sukuna ready?" Norman asked.

"No, Sukuna said he refuses to come out." Itadori said calmly. In reality Sukuna was screaming nonsense in his head and if he could, he would strangle Sukuna just so he could finally have a peaceful mind. Norman sat there scratching his head until one of the many ideas in his head finally popped up. He looked over at Itadori and smiled at him.

"What's something that pisses him off?" Itadori looked at him with dotted eyes before smiling at him mischievously.

"He hates Barbara. Just send her in! Oh wait, actually how did you send her there in the first place?" Itadori asked Norman. Norman's face went blank before he finally gave him a weird look.

"I think it's like... magic."

"You idiot! It's not fucking magic! It's you breaking into my domain and sending your parasites after me!" Sukuna yelled at him from Itadori's cheek.

"Looks like he hates incorrect answers."

"I thought so, that's why I gave such a dumb answer." Itadori nodded at that before smiling.

"So what are you going to make him eat first?" He asked Norman. Norman picked up a piece of fried chicken from the day before and held it out to him.

"This first." Itadori held it up to his cheek and Sukuna refused to eat it.

"Switch with me and I might eat it."

"Don't. He just won't be able to enjoy some of the best shit in the world." Norman said as he handed the fried chicken to Itadori. Itadori tried to eat it but they heard something crunch. Itadori looked at his palm and saw a mouth on it. He grimaced and stared at it in contempt, probably thinking about what went wrong in his life to lead to this point. 'Ah wait, I ate a thousand year old finger that wasn't finger licking good.' Itadori thought silently. Norman watched while writing something in a notebook. "Okay, Itadori can you taste what he is tasting?" Itadori thought about it before he realized Norman asked the best question ever.

"Yes, I can!" Norman nodded and wrote something down.

"Okay, can you taste this?" Norman asked as he stuck a tube into Sukuna's mouth and Itadori instantly started coughing.

"What.. What is that?!"

"Cyanide but I'm more surprised you aren't dead yet." Itadori wasn't sure what cyanide was but he guessed it was something people weren't supposed to eat. Norman wrote something else into his notebook before moving onto the next part of the experiment.

"Okay so we already know that if Sukuna were to give you a fatal wound you could survive but we need to know how much you could ta-"

"I'M NOT DYING AGAIN!!" Itadori screamed at Norman. Norman smiled sheepishly.

"What if we just-"

"NO!" Norman shook his head before continuing on with the final part of his experiment.

"Alright then what about-"

"Nooooo!!!!" Norman grumbled irritatedly before complying.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Both males turned and were face to face with Maki.

"Science." Norman said quickly as Itadori smiled at her. She glared at them and they both started sweating. She sighed and shook her head.

"Alright, well Nobara and Megumi are looking for you two. Clean up and go to them." She said and walked out. They both sighed and started laughing.

"I thought she was gonna-"

"Shut up." Sukuna said quickly. Norman shoved a chili pepper into his mouth and Sukuna started cursing and coughing while Itadori started laughing. Norman froze and stared at him for less than three seconds before fumbling for his book.

"What are you doing?" Itadori asked Norman.

"Can you taste the pepper?!" Itadori nodded.

"Why isn't it affecting you then?! I genetically engineered them to be 500 times spicier than a regular pepper!" Itadori shrugged and walked away leaving Norman to clean up the mess.

What Norman learned from the experiment: Itadori can choose to feel Sukuna's pain if he wanted to. If he doesn't then it's almost like they don't share a body.

Hello sorry for the late update, I decided to start another story that isn't a fanfic but was something I thought was good enough to turn into a full story. Anyways updates might be slower now but like always hope you enjoyed :)

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