The Last Mission

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SPOILER ALERT!!! But if you don't mind spoilers or already read the manga then please enjoy!

Third person pov:

"Bring Satoru Gojo." Norman was sitting with Nitta and her group as he waited for the next set of instructions to come. He wasn't wearing the usual smile or even seeming as calm and relaxed as usual.

"So can we go in as backup?" Kugisaki asked Nitta.

"Nope, absolutely not. We're just on standby." Nitta said while holding her hands up. Kugisaki groaned loudly.

"Hey maybe you should tone it down a bit..." Maki said before glancing at Norman. She then lowered her voice and pulled Kugisaki closer. "He's probably feeling the worst out of all of us." Maki then straightened up and tried to play off the whole thing.

"You really aren't that secretive are you Maki-san?" Norman asked her without looking at her.

"Not sure what you're talking about tiny Gojo." She said.

"If I had to take a wild guess... This may be the last time we're able to just joke around." Kugisaki slapped his arm before sitting next to him.

"We'll be fine. Besides, once we're done with this it'll be like usual, we take Gojo sensei's credit card and go out to eat!" Kugisaki said with a smile.

"We'll use it to pay for your guy's meals as well." Maki said while addressing Nitta and Naobito Zenin, supreme grade 1 sorcerer.

"Hmph, I can pay for my own meal." The old man said while twirling his moustache in between his fingers. Norman sighed before taking his mouse out of his shirt pocket.

"JESUS CHRIST!!" Maki shouted before jumping up. Kugisaki was staring at Norman with a disgusted look as the white haired male put the mouse down.

"Julius Cheeser, find Satoru and give him this note." He said and put a little harness around the mouse's back and the mouse squeaked and ran off.

"Norman?" Nitta asked.


"Why did you have a rat?"

"It's a mouse. With three eyes." Norman answered.

"Why are all Gojo's so weird?" Naobito asked Maki.

"Oh, I guess you don't know him?"

"I have heard about him but... I didn't know that he was weird." Maki smiled at that and crossed her arms.

"That, Naobito, is the smartest sorcerer in the world." Maki said.

"Yes... so I've heard." Naobito said while staring at him weirdly. A dark pit suddenly opened right next to Norman and a pair of hands came out from it. After a few more moments Ray pulled himself out from the pit and it closed.

"It's begun." Ray said and sat next to Norman.

"Let's just hope Satoru can figure it out himself." Norman said as they waited for the next sign to appear.

"Wait what does that mean?" Kugisaki asked him.

"It means that we're up in less than ten minutes." Ray said as he looked up at her.

"Huh? How can we trust you, you little-" Emma suddenly appeared and gave them an evil smile.

"Norman, we can put our plan into action now." Norman stood up and looked back at the rest of his group.

"The entire plan is going to crumble in a few minutes. I'm going to go find Satoru, because I have a feeling that he's not going to win." Norman mumbled before walking away.

"Norman! Don't even try to be a hero you-"

"If I was trying to be a hero like Itadori then I would have just summoned as many ghosts as I could. Believe me, I know what happens when you try to act like a hero. Anyway, try to stay alive until I come back." Norman said before disappearing with Ray and Emma.

"WAIT NORMAN!!" Before anyone else could say anything Nitta got a call.

"Oh! Wow, Norman was on the ball, End of standby everyone head in and attack all of the transmuted humans!" Nitta shouted. The rest of the sorcerers nodded before going to enter the curtain put around Shibuya.


"Norman, what are we gonna do if we can't get to him in time?" Emma asked.

"All we can do is hopefully get to him before he dies." They were currently inside of the curtain and were walking past all of the areas with any people or curses.

"You think he's in there?" Ray pointed to the train station. No one was going inside and it seemed like everyone was avoiding it.

"If I were Satoru, that is most definitely where I would be. You guys got the weapons?" He looked back at his more muscular friends and they nodded. "How about the uniforms? You know like the ones we used to wear?" They both held up a white shirt and black pants like the ones they had worn in the shelter. "Good, now then, I'll summon Don, Gilda, and Anna as well. Hang on." Norman quickly ran around a corner and changed into the uniform before coming back. "After that we'll all wear the same hoodies and then enter from two different sides. That way the guys on the inside won't know which group to go after if we get caught." Emma and Ray nodded and Norman summoned three more of his friends. "Oh, jeez, pushing my limit today."

"Why not leech off of a curse? Like that one listening in on us?" Emma said with a smile. Norman smiled back at her before throwing a flower at it. It hit the curse in the chest and bloomed a dark purple.

"I'll be needing more of them soon enough. Let's get going now." The grace field children smiled as they began their final mission.

Hello! I will try to post as often as possible and also sorry to everyone that is anime only, I just couldn't wait for the next season to come out. Also next chapter will be longer. Hope you enjoyed :)

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