Cold Encounters

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"Damn it! What do we do?" Natsu shouted, as Team Natsu struggled to defeat a 20-feet tall plant, which spit fire. They thought this job would be a piece of cake, because they had a Fire Dragon Slayer and a Sky Dragon Slayer by their side, but it was harder than they thought.

Basically, the job was to exterminate a monstrous weed, threatening a family farm about 20 miles east of the Fairy Tail guild building. This weed was then personified as Flameworthy Claws, due to the fire-breathing and claw-like leaves it left.

"Roar of the Sky Dragon!" Wendy roared a powerful gust of wind. It was great for a minute, because the fire died out, but immediately was engulfed in flames again. It roared, and everyone had to take cover behind a wagon.

"Natsu!" Lucy shouted. "You can't eat the flames, or anything like that?" Erza pinched Natsu's ears. "Why don't you try that??" Natsu yowled in pain, then shoved everyone out of the way. "Okay, okay! Yeesh..."

"Oi, flamethrower!" He said, as the plant faced towards him. "Quick question: What do your flames taste like?" He then started to suck in the flames, then almost started to barf. "Th-these are awful!" He squeaked, then came to. "But, whatever."

"WING SLASH OF THE FIRE DRAGON!" And with that, the weed was destroyed. Only, it wasn't Natsu. Why, you ask?

Because the weed was covered in ice.


All eyes landed on Gray.

"Gray, you bastard!" Natsu yelled, as he stormed towards Gray. "You trying to steal my thunder?!" Their faces were so close that their foreheads met.

"It wasn't me, flame brain!" Gray said. "Besides, I never got within 10 cm. of that thing!" They were about to brawl, until Erza broke them up. "Calm down, Natsu. It wasn't him." She said, calmly. Lucy pointed at the ice. "Look, it's...pure white ice."

Everyone looked at the ice, then at each other, then at Gray again. "STOP LOOKING AT ME! I DIDN'T DO IT!" He shouted.

Carla then walked to the ice, touching it with her paws. Then she saw a vision.

She saw Zeref, carrying a baby girl, while dragons were pursuing him. The girl bore a striking resemblance to Wendy, except her hair was white, with a bright blue bang covering her left eye. The scene shifted to a dragon meeting, where a blue dragon and a white dragon-which Carla assumed was Grandine-were deciding what to do with the child. Then she saw a stone with the inscription:

JULY 7, x777

Then the vision ended, leaving Carla dumbfounded. What...was that...just now? Carla thought. Is Wendy...going to get kidnapped by Zeref?

She heard a noise, but when she turned around, nothing was there. Wendy looked at her Exceed partner. "Carla," she asked worriedly, "you alright?"

Carla shook her head vigorously. "It's nothing, Wendy. Don't worry." Wendy smiled, then began sniffing, to find a trace of the person who did this. Carla was still worried about her vision. What did it have to do with anything, anyway? She decided to ask Porlyusica about it later.

Meanwhile, Natsu was also trying to find a trace. He walked towards the ice and touched it. It then immediately turned into snow, then seconds later, water. "Huh?" He said, as Erza walked towards the water. She cupped her hands, with the water swirling around. The water was orange, which was weird.

She heard a sound, and when she looked up, the weed was disintegrating. "That's weird..." She said, then stood up and looked at Natsu. "Natsu," she said. "Got a trace yet of this mystery mage?" He sniffed, then Wendy exclaimed, "I found a trace! She went..." She pointed east. "...that way!"

"Let's go!" Erza said, and everyone ran eastwards. They ran and ran and ran, until they saw a path of orange snow. "They're close! Everyone be careful. Don't attack until I say so!" Erza ordered. The team nodded, as Happy and Carla flew ahead to see if they can find anything.

The team advanced forwards, trying not to make a sound. But every time Natsu stepped on the snow, it melted into water. Maybe it was because he was a fire mage?

Anyways, they kept going, until they saw a figure with a white and blue cloak. And Erza swore she saw a cat there, too. "Stay close. Don't make a sound." She said quietly, as everyone did what she said.

But it was useless, because before they knew it, they fell right into a trap.

A cage made up of orange ice fell on top of Team Natsu, trapping them inside. And sure enough, the Exceed team were tied and thrown against a tree.

"Happy! Carla!" Wendy exclaimed. Natsu growled. "WHO ARE YOU?! LET US OUT! GRAY, DO SOMETHING!" Then, the person spoke.

"Don't bother. This cage is made to seal any magic power in it."

Lucy went up to the front, facing the hooded figure. The cat was standing next to them. "Who...are you?" Finally the person revealed herself, and removed her hood. The cat did the same.

The figure turned out to be a girl, about Wendy's age, and she had white hair, except for a bright blue bang that hid the left side of her face. Her right eye was bright blue, and she wore a blue dress and black boots.

The cat was similar to Happy, except it was bright blue and its ears were white. It also had a light blue spot on its belly.

"This is my Exceed partner, Amicum (Latin for 'friend'), and my name is Hera Damseye-

A Snow Dragon Slayer."

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