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Amicum ran through the trees in search of water. Although he wasn't on board with Hera using water again, he had no choice.

The guild was going to find out eventually, but Amicum didn't want them to find out so soon. But Hera is as stubborn as a mule, so he can't change her mind.

He sighed. "I'm sorry, Niximus, but Hera might have to betray her friend's trust...again."

Images of a crying girl flashed before his eyes. Loud roars filled his ears.

Natsu and Wendy continued to rock back and forth, shaking uncontrollably, muttering, "Spare me, please!" or, "I've been a good child. I've been very good."

The sight brought Hera to tears.

Where are you, Amicum? I need that water, and fast!

Amicum was assigned to be her protector when she was abandoned by her dragon parents. They've been together ever since she was 14 years old. He won't turn his back on her now, will he?

After what seemed like hours, a bright orange cat was seen rushing towards the group, carrying a leaf full of water.

Amicum landed next to Hera, who was readying herself with a healing spell.

Gray raised an eyebrow. "Why does it look like you're getting ready for a healing spell? As far as I know, only sky magic can heal."

Hera ignored him and pushed her bangs out of her eyes. She closed her eyes and inhaled.

Placing her hands in the water, it started to glow. Her lips moved silently as she chanted a spell.

Gray watched her with intense curiosity. He watched as she scooped up some water and urged Natsu to drink some.

"W-what is that?" Natsu asked, still shaking.

Hera smiled. "An ancient healing spell. It'll make you feel better, trust me."

Natsu hesitated, then started drinking. After he gulped it all down, his eyes closed and he fell back.

Lucy gasped. "Natsu!" She caught him just before he landed in the grass. She looked at Hera, her brown eyes wide with worry. "What did you do to him?"

"I healed him." She said simply.
"Then why did he faint?!"
"He's not dead, Lucy, but when he wakes up, keep your guard up."

Erza stepped forward and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I haven't used that spell in years, so I don't know how it'll affect him."

Carla screamed and fell down, holding her head with her paws. She was having another vision.

Carla was on the ground, which felt liie wet dirt. She was still in the woods. She opened her eyes and looked up. It was dark. The air felt damp and humid, two things that usually meant trouble. The vague scent of blood was picked up by the white Exceed. It seemed like it was beckoning her to follow it.

Reluctantly, she stood up and followed it. As she went deeper into the woods, she looked around for the others. "Wendy! Happy!" she called. "Anyone?" She pushes some branches out of her face, one leaving a cut on her face. She winced, but kept going, calling for anyone.


Finally, she reached a place that looked like a cabin. Why is there a cabin in the middle of the woods? Carla thought. She wanted to turn back, but her body seemed to move on its own, making its way to the cabin.

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