Hera Meets Lyon

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After dinner, Hera and Amicum went to go talk with Lucy and Levy. They were filling Hera in on all the Fairy Tail events.

"So, Natsu brought you to Fairy Tail?" Hera asked Lucy. She nodded and smiled. "It was a really happy moment in my life." Hera narrowed her eyes. "Is that so?" She leaned in closer to Lucy, as Lucy leaned away, a little weirded out. "Yeah...so?"

"You like him, don't you?" She said, as Lucy grew red.

"W-whaaaaaat?" Lucy laughs nervously. "N-no way! What's there to like about Natsu, anyways? He's loud, childish, reckless, toned, in shape, has a nice body-" Hera cut her off. "So...you like Natsu then?"

Lucy continued to turn redder as Levy chuckled. "You can tell the minute you walk into this guild. They were meant for each other!" Levy exclaimed, but not too loudly. Lucy then threw her hands up in frustration.

"OK, I ADMIT IT! I LIKE NATSU DRAGNEEL, OK?!" Lucy exclaimed, as the whole guild looked at her. All eyes were on Lucy. She looked around at all the people looking at her and was about to explode. Then she sighed in relief, because Natsu wasn't there to hear.

Then, at that moment, a *fabulous* mage walked in with Gray and Natsu.

"Yo, everyone!" Natsu said with a huge grin on his face. "We ran into Gray's boyfriend on the way here, so we asked him to come visit!"

Gray and the *fabulous* mage both exclaimed, " HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!"

After calming down, Gray looked over at Hera and blushed silently. The *fabulous* mage looked where Gray was looking. Him and Hera locked eyes for a second, then his eyes widened with shock. There was a beautiful mage sitting there, and before he knew it, the mage approached her.

"Um...can I help you?" Hera said nervously. She was also shocked by the Mage, then she straightened up, as did he.

He put his hands on her shoulders. "Nice to meet you, young lady," he said politely. "I am Lyon Vastia. And you are..."

"H-Hera," Hera stammered. "Hera Damseye..." Lyon grinned. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Hera-san." Hera blushed. "So am...I." She tilted her head. "You're an Ice Make Mage like Gray-kun, right?"

Gray...kun? Gray thought. Hera was comfortable with me, so much as to address me as Gray-kun?!

Lyon took his hands off her shoulders. "How'd you know?" Hera grinned. "When you placed your hands on my shoulders, a surge of magic energy went through my body. It was similar to Gray-kun's, so I deduced that you use the same Caster type magic as him."

Gray gasped. Again, she called me 'Gray-kun'!

"Anyways, I'm guessing you're a newbie, and I've never seen you before. So, how would you like a milkshake and we can get to know each other?" Lyon proposed. Hera blushed again. "Um...okay." They walked to the bar and Mirajane whipped up a chocolate milkshake.

"I see, so you're a Snow Dragon Slayer. And just like Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy, you were abandoned by your mother, Niximus. It must've been hard for you." Lyon said. Hera shook her head.

"It was hard, until I met my Exceed partner, Amicum. He's been by my side ever since. If we never met, I don't know if I would be dead or alive right now. When Mom left, I knew it was for a good reason. But my father, however, he had to take responsibility of me."

"Father?" Lyon asked. "Who would that be?"

Should I tell him? Hera thought. He seems trustworthy...more than Gray-kun, it seems. Hera had an internal battle with her thoughts and actions. Her thoughts claimed the victory this time.

Hera straightened up. "His name was Dudley Damseye. A farmer on the outskirts of Magnolia. A kind man. He looked out for me and adopted me after Niximus left me. I loved him so much, but then he became an alcoholic, so I ran away because I was afraid of him. When I reached a nearby forest, I met Amicum. We survived, fought, laughed and ate together. I can't tell you how thankful I am to him."

Hera started tearing up, as Lyon held out his handkerchief. She thanked him and wiped her tears.

"I know what it's like," he said. "To lose a person close to you. Don't feel like you're alone, because you have mages in this guild that are just like you." He gave her a sympathetic smile, which she returned. She had a feeling that she will develop a strong bond with Lyon Vastia. Now, she wondered if he will trust her.

After Lyon left, immediately, Hera mentally slapped herself for lying.

There was a Dudley Damseye, but he was never an alcoholic. The real reason why Hera ran away was to find Zeref.

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