Zeref's Plan

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Oh, look. An update. I'm so terribly sorry, but I FORGOT TO UPDATE HERE! I updated fanfiction.net and totally forgot that this story was also on Wattpad. ;(-_-) But anyways, a new chapter for y'all ^_^

Hera lost consciousness when Zeref slapped her too hard with a shadow hand. She could feel her cheek stinging from the slap. Her anger meter was rising fast, and she was about to explode.

But she couldn't pay attention to that, because then she suddenly woke up, momentarily being blinded by the sunlight. She blocked the sun with her hand and squinted her eyes. Sitting up straight, she gasped, realizing where she was:

Her father's ranch.
Erza held her sword and pointed it into the darkness ahead of them, "Show yourself!"

Everyone was nervous, especially Wendy, who was trembling with fear. Carla reassured her, "Stay strong, Wendy! It'll be okay!"

But Carla wasn't sure that she could keep her promise.

Wendy had a look of horror on her face, as she had picked up a familiar scent. It smelled like...could it be?

A mighty roar was heard at that moment. It was so loud that everyone almost went deaf.

Wendy's knees felt like jelly. Her legs lost their strength and she fell to the ground, her hands cupped over her mouth, pure fear written on her face.

"Wendy!" Carla exclaimed, running to her, "What happened? Are you okay?" The roaring in the distance grew louder as the mysterious creature advanced towards Fairy Tail.

Natsu caught the same familiar scent, which caused him to tremble. Gajeel saw the Salamander's uneasiness, which caused his eyebrows to be raised. It wasn't until he too caught the same familiar scent, but it didn't faze him--at least he didn't show it.

The roar was now so close, it was almost deafening to the ears. Natsu and Wendy trembled with fear as they heard twigs snapping and leaves rustling. Gajeel simply grunted, his expression unchanged.

The other mages didn't sense the Dragon Slayers' odd behavior. At least not until Lucy turned to see if Natsu's okay. When she faced them, her expression darkened.

"Natsu? Wendy?" she asked worriedly, "What's wrong?" She turned to Gajeel for clues, but he just shrugged. Thanks for the help, Lucy thought, rolling her eyes.

"I-it can't be..." Lucy heard Wendy murmur, "A d-d-d...dragon?!"

The roar was now so close that it uprooted the trees and made the members hold onto each other for dear life.

Erza, however, was unfazed by this and immediately exquipped into her Flame Empress armor. She must've also caught on about the supposed dragon. "Everyone! Brace yourselves!" she shouted, "He's going to roar any minute now!"

But the offense reached them first. And to make matters worse, the offense was none other than...

The first thing that came to Hera's mind was, "Why?" As in, "Why did Zeref send me here, of all places in time?"

Maybe it was because Zeref's dark past was too dark for Hera to handle.

"Hera! Dinner's ready!" Hera heard a familiar voice say. A little girl with blue and white hair ran towards a small house where a plump, gray-haired man was standing. He wore blue overalls and a floppy straw hat.

Father... Hera thought, as she felt a tear stream down her cheek.

"Coming, Father!" The little girl laughed as she ran into her father's arms. He picked her up and spun her around. The wide smile on his face lit up Hera's world like a flame.

Hera smiled as she reminisced her father's strong arms wrapped around her. His wide smile which made her the happiest girl on the planet.

Then, all of a sudden, a black hole appeared. Hera gasped as she saw the ranch being sucked in, her father's smile disappearing before her very eyes.

She saw her younger self get sucked in, too. Then the ranch was replaced by darkness. Total darkness. Hera couldn't see a thing.

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