Chapter 13 | Tour

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He walked forward a bit and it almost felt like he was towering over me, he very close. I could feel his presence, his aura was almost so alluring I had to convince myself not to turn around.

"Yeah." He said flatly, that ran through my body and I shivered again.

What is going on? I've never felt like this before, I don't know how to describe it. My body pulsed inside. What. I stayed as calm as I could. He was right behind me, I can't see him. Is he looking at me? I wanted to turn around but I just stayed still.

"Perfect! I'm so sorry again, Y/N." Recovery Girl said as she stuffed supplies in a brown satchel and smiled. "You know how Pro Hero's can be." She chuckled.

I nodded and smiled as best as I could.

My body was trembling, it felt like my legs were giving out. Was I going numb in my legs? My legs were getting weaker but I kept myself upright. I tried my hardest, but it was almost as if my legs were as frail as a 90 year olds woman's. I guess that's what I get for being so unhealthy and scrawny for years. I don't understand though? Why am I getting weak right now, I haven't gotten this feeble since I was a kid. It didn't feel right, but I wasn't totally hating it. Not the feeling of it, I hated that, but the reason for getting weak.

He was still behind me, I still can't begin to know how he feels about me slapping him earlier. So many things have happened today, but it's so crazy I'm even here.

Being a teacher, but for a hero course. I'm glad I didn't get a normal teaching job here, like science or something. Nonetheless I still had two people I was working with, I only know that I'm working with All Might. I read that I would be seeing All Might or the teacher too much, but enough that we are working together.

I watched as Recovery Girl closed the satchel and quickly strode over to the door. Before she reached the door she grabbed my hand and gave a smile and a small bow. I smiled brightly, she got to the door and I could hear her turn around.

"You be nice, alright?" She said to Aizawa.

I think he nodded, then she left and I could hear her small shoes clack down the hallway. I was terrified, I hadn't moved since I got in the room, and Aizawa hadn't either. The room was so quiet I could hear him calmly breathing. I was trying my hardest to breathe calm but it came out as if I was crying, it was smooth in a way. That wasn't it though, my chest would go up stop for jerking second and go back down, like I was balling my eyes out or something.

"You gonna move?" He said, he didn't sound scary but I almost yelped. I jerked and almost tripped, my heart had stopped for a second. I was in shock, he literally only said three words and I almost fell to the ground.

"Yes." I said, it sounded like my voice was going through puberty, I covered it up quickly with a random cough. I'm starting to get frustrated. I stood as straight as I could, back stiff. I turned and walked around Aizawa into the hallway. Before I did I had caught a glimpse of Aizawa's face, he had an eye brow up, in almost a scowl.

"You gonna give me a tour or not." I stated, not a question, I was actually wanting him to say no. I didn't want to face him.

He walked out of the room and in front of me, he started down the hallway.

"Normal teaching classes, math and social studies, etc." He said as we walked and he pointed. "Science and ELA over here."

I nodded and he kept on walking. He was walking at a certain, almost fast pace, but I kept up for the most part.

"Cafe, bathrooms, you already know where the apartments are." He went on, I could hear a tang of maybe anger?

I was about to ask a question, and I know he could see me but he ignored and kept on walking.

He showed me more of the offices and places around the school, then we got to a brown door, with the words, "Teacher's" on it.

"This is all the Pro Hero's office's. He opened the door and there were small little cubicles in a group in the middle, I mouthed woah. They were small but extremely nice, even for a cubicle. He walked over to one on a corner,

"I believe this one is yours, right?" He pointed to the name tag, Y/N. I nodded.

I walked over to it and looked around, it was empty except for the computer and a few small supplies. There was a booklet in the middle of the cubicle, I picked it up, "Where to start and notes about your class." I grabbed it and rolled it up. Sliding it in my back pocket I turned to see Aizawa talking to another teacher on the other side of the room.

I decided to sit down and start reading the booklet, as I read my stomach sank and my eyes widened.

"Your partners as teacher's will be: All Might and EraserHead."

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