~ Chapter 5 ~

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{3rd person limited}

The tears fell slower and less. Soon nothing would come out but soft wails of sadness. Standing upnoff the bed Akane walked into the kitchen. Looking in the barren fridge for food. She decided to just have what looked like left over rice. "Really Shinya, no other food?...rice, no sauce or veggies?" She looked in the cupboards. She found a pan to heat up her rice. But there was something in the sink. A rag? No. It was Shinya's shirt. Akane picked it up and saw the blood covered rip in the shirt. A long painful gash for sure. The worry built into an over flowing dam that was soon to burst and flood Akanes will to function. Trying to take her mind off of Shinya, Akane decided to do his small amount of laundry.After that she started to warm up the rice. she fried the rice and an egg to put on top. she made some for Shinya to. She made the table and  ate her meal. She left Shinyas food on the tanle and washed her dishes. Akane called in sick so she wouldn't have to worry about work for a few days. She then changed into on of Shinya's large tee shirts  and laid down. She welcomed the dark endless void of sleep.

{Akanes POV Dreaming}

I lay on a comfy soft object. A bed?couch? It doesn't matter. Shinya is holding me in a warm embrace, softly sleeping, his shoulders move up and down rhythmicly as he breathes softly. The birds chirp excitedly out the open window. The sun leeks in streaking the room in a soft orange warmth. Pink blossoms fall slowly from a large cherry tree, falling into the dancing grass. The curtains sway in the smooth warm wind. A gust of wind blows pink petals into the room. Clouds begin to blanket the sky covering the orange bleading sun. Rain begins to softly fall. The harmonies of pitter patter on the roof begin to increase in volume. The grass outside is uprooted and mud takes its place. the strong wind blows away all the pink lushes flowers off the tree, leaving it bear and brown. Whiping in the wind, jerking back and forth in a spazmic dance. The room begins to fill with water. The curtains are sucked outside into a tornado of anguish. I turn to Shinya, his warmth no longer present. His skin is pale and blood drips from his mouth. His neck cut, Just like what Makishima did to Yuki. That monster caused all my pain. Shinya's once soft, fluffy hair is flat and soggy. I cry as I scream his name, calling him. My throught feels like I just drank acid and it was eating me from the inside out. The taste of metal flooded my taste buds. I stand leaving Shinya's limp motionless body. The wind pulls me towards the window. I struggle to close the window and fail in the prosses. I scrape my arm as I am pulled into the angry tornado out side. I struggle to grasp SOMETHING, anything but all around me is darkness.  The cold, and bitter oblivian had consumed me.

 {End of POV}

{3rd person limited POV}

        Akane jerks awake. Theres a knock on the door. She stands up and grabs her dominator. She peers through the eye hole, its a blonde haired woman( yes the one and only). Akane opens the door but leaves the chain locked so that the door only opens a few inches. The woman speaks " I heard scraming is everything all right?", "Yeah just a bad dream". Akane says cautiosly. "Well you should check your hue. Don't want to become a latent criminal... Though if your hue was to become clouded in this part of the city it wouldn't really matter". Akane had wonderd why Shinya had chosen this part of the city and it made more sense if there were no hue scans. But was Shinya's psycho pass level high anymore? If Shinya killed Makashima then all that pinned up anger could be released. "Excuse me, Young lady? You seemed to have drifted off " the woman said. " Oh sorry" Akane said.  Akane had a surge to check the womans hue. She lifted the dominator up to the door. Luckily it identified the woman. The dominator read the womans psycho pass which was well over 200. Akane unlocked the door and pointed the dominator at the woman." Freeze!" Akane said. " Oh my whats this? A little police officer here to take me away in her pajamas... Im horrified(sarcasticly)" The large man came around from behind the swung open door. His large fist swings toward Akane. Akane misses a swing to her face. The man swung again this time making contact to her arm flining the dominator out of her hand and obliterating the bones in her forearm. The woman swing her leg at Akanes head. Everything flashes red as Akane falls to the ground. The woman kicks Akane in the stomach multipul times. Blood drips from her mouth. Her will to stay consous gives as she slips onto the dark mist of unconsousness.


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