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"I'm a little confused Liam." Louis sighed as he met up with his best friend for a bite to eat.

"About what?" Liam asked.

"Am I doing the right thing marrying El?" Louis replied, deciding to throw it all out there.

"What? Where is this coming from?" Liam questioned, eyeing his mate worriedly.

"It's just, ugh, I'm attracted to our wedding planner!" Louis said.

"So?" Liam questioned.

"I don't know." Louis sighed.

"So, she's cute. That doesn't mean that you have to call off the wedding. Seriously, Louis, you can still find other people attractive and love your fiance." Liam smiled.

"He." Louis answered.

Liam chuckled lightly.
"Sorry. You've been with Eleanor for so long that I had almost forgotten that you are bi. He. Okay. So what? Are you having a bi-crisis? Thinking that you will miss out?"

"What? That's stupid Liam, and fucking offensive. Just because I'm attracted to both genders doesn't mean that I feel that I have to have both. It just means that I can fall in love with both men and women and I fell in love with Eleanor. I'm marrying her." Louis growled.

"You're right. I'm sorry Louis." Liam said, sounding remorseful.

"At least you helped me figure out something. I don't have to freak out about it. I felt attracted to Harry but Eleanor is the one I'm marrying." Louis said.

"I'm glad I could be of some help even if I offended you in the process. I'm really sorry." Liam apologized again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm over it." Louis smirked.

Harry had been out dress shopping with Eleanor. It took them the whole day to find the perfect dress, but he really enjoyed that part of the wedding preparation. That moment when the bride found the right dress was wonderful.

Later that afternoon he went to the center to meet his friends for a game of scrabble. To his surprise, Zayn was there as well. He hugged Ruth, Charles, and Carl and hesitated briefly before he gave Zayn a quick hug as well.
"Hi Zayn, how have you been?" He asked, ignoring the three old people going "oooooh cute."

"Fine, you?" Zayn answered as they took a seat.

They laughed and talked throughout the game. Harry liked Zayn but there was no spark between them even if Zayn was a very good-looking man. They decided to go out for that coffee on Saturday.

The next day he met up with Louis to find him some formal wear.
"So, I'm guessing you're more of the classic black tuxedo kind of guy. Am I wrong?" Harry asked.

"Spot on." Louis smiled.

Harry went through rack after rack and picked out suits and tuxedos. Louis chose a few himself as well. Harry followed him to the dressing room and took a seat. They spent two hours trying different options. A nicely cut Hugo Boss was the one they both got most excited about.
"I think this is it." Louis said.

"Yes. That one looks fantastic on you." Harry smiled.

"Phew. Wanna find some really crazy outfits and try them on?" Louis smirked.

Harry laughed.
"Why not?"

"I'll choose five for you and you do the same for me. Don't hold back!" Louis grinned.

Knowing that Louis liked discrete black suits Harry went for the really colorful ones. Apparently so had Louis when they met up in the dressing room. Harry just smirked and swopped suits before he went to change into the first one, a black suit with pink flamingos on it. He laughed a little while he put it on. It was indeed a crazy outfit. He walked out to show Louis and started to giggle when he saw the suit he had picked out for Louis, a really pink one with a frill shirt.
"Not fair! That one looks good on you! How the hell can you pull that off? I look ridiculous." Louis complained with a laugh.

Harry just laughed and they returned to the dressing room to change into the next outfit. This time Louis had chosen a suit with a flower pattern for Harry. He actually liked it.

They laughed again when they showed each other the outfits. Louis was dressed in a toxic green suit. They continue to try out different outfits and had a good laugh about it. When they were done they bought Louis a tuxedo for the wedding and left the store.
"That was fun." Louis smiled.

"Yeah." Harry agreed.

"So, what's next on the list?" Louis asked as they walked down the street.

"Have you bought a morning gift for Eleanor?" Harry asked.

"Uhm, no. I'm supposed to do that?" Louis asked.

"It's tradition." Harry smiled.

"Oh, okay. Yeah...what do you usually buy for that?" Louis questioned.

"Jewellery." Harry answered with a soft laugh.

"Okay, so jewelry store then. Can we eat first? I'm starving!" Louis replied.

"Uhm, sure. Yeah, we can do that." Harry answered. Louis was too charming. Harry couldn't resist.

They found a taco place and ordered some burritos and soft drinks. Louis, we're really funny, telling him one crazy story after another, and half through the meal Harry had coke spurting out of his nose from how much he laughed.

They went jewelry shopping after they had eaten and Louis bought a beautiful necklace on Harry's advice.

Louis checked the time when they walked out of the store.
"I'm sorry but I have to get to the hospital. My shift starts soon."

"Of course. We had a productive day." Harry replied.

"We had a fun day. Thanks, Harry." Louis answered.

"Yeah, ehm, I'll see the both of you on Friday to go through all the details." Harry said.

Louis seemed to linger. He slipped a hand through his hair and looked down on his shoes.
"Yeah, okay. Friday. Bye Harry."

"Bye Louis." Harry answered and turned around to get back to the office. He could feel Louis's eyes on him and forced himself to look straightforward. When he came to a street corner he just had to glance over his shoulder. Louis was just turning around. Had he looked at him this whole time?

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