Chapter 1

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„Hey, Y/N, wanna come go eat lunch with us?"

You looked at the girl from your class, smiling brightly at you and trying to convince you to join them for the hundredth time. The 1-C classroom emptied quickly as everyone got up to get lunch. Your eyes spotted the group behind the girl, looking annoyed that her friend still wasted her time asking you. And they were right. So you smiled apologetically and shook your head.

"I appreciate your determination but believe me it's better if I don't. See you after lunch."

It wasn't her fault. As you headed for your spot on the roof during break, you sighed, because you did not choose for this. Neither for this school, nor for this country. And especially not for these two so-called soulmarks on your right wrist.

The sight from the rooftop was great as usual, some other students enjoying the quiet break here as well and the spot you've chosen had the benefit of a clear view into the lunch hall. There they all were, the girl from your class with her friends bickering on one table, exciting students waiting in line for their daily meal ... and there was this one table with those two individuals who made your life even more complicated than it was before.

A bright smiling redhead laughing at a joke from the pinkish girl beside him. And a fiery, grumpy blond sitting quietly and sometimes snarling at the others, to which said others only responded with laughter.

You sat down leaning your side against the fence and an elbow propped on one knee, hunger long forgotten.

It felt as if you were watching a daily tv episode you held dear to your heart, dreading to miss one. You were a spectator of this beautiful scenery of friendship ... and love in front of you. You did not miss the intertwined hands below the table, discreetly sharing some intimacy. And it made your heart soar. Who would've thought that after all you would find your soulmates here, in Japan, at the famous high school called U.A.

It took some to determine them, but once you found it out, you followed all the incidents linked to these two. The sports festival where you've witnessed their abilities and fighting spirit. Kamino, where All Might retired by saving one of your soulmates – it's no lie to say you cried in relief knowing he was safe again. And the debut of your other soulmate on his patrol with Fat Gum – boy, were you proud of your red sunshine.

The marks on your wrist matched the scales of Kirishima's hardening and Bakugou's explosion. AND to round this all up, you've felt their intense emotions here and there. It was like a subconscious switch, sometimes you felt pumped as heck, determined to reach whatever you tried to accomplish that day. Or another time you became highly irritated by the slightest disturbance, growling at each and everyone.

On the other side, it made you wonder if they would feel some emotions from you. Most probably, but looking at your past, you probably gave them your worst feelings ever. Great.

Back then, you couldn't give a damn about some other people being disturbed in their cozy lives by some pent-up emotions you felt then. But now, observing them through the large hall windows, how happy those two were, you felt bad for messing with them. So you chose to sit aside and enjoy their joy. You would just bring imbalance to them. So, why bother.

Sighing again, you opened your lunchbox and started to eat. One year in Japan and you still didn't get used to their cuisine. It tasted good, really good sometimes... but then you remember and miss the familiar food from your home back then.

To cut it short, you weren't in U.A. by choice. On the contrary, this school, as good it might be, was your prison. Put here by Japanese authorities under the watchful eyes of the heroes working here. Just because you were a teenager doing things wrong, they saw your conflicting situation and -officially - gave you a second chance.

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