Chapter 4

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Since the incident with Ectoplast you decided to stay away from hero class, remember? And now there you were, sitting and chatting with Kaminari Denki.

This bitch called fate most likely was howling from laughter watching your sorry arse from above. "Oh, you gotta be frickin' kidding me..."

"Huh? I didn't say anything ..."

"Not you, Sparky..."

How did it come to this? Well, various reasons. First of all, detention had been decided to be the cleaning up of the huge school yard area. By yourself. Usually, it took a whole bunch of robots to clean it up once a week. The last time they did it was three days ago. Phew, this would take the whole day...

Secondly, while doing your stupid detention work, you saw a familiar red head standing nearby. You froze, hidden between bushes. But he wasn't talking to Bakugou or one of his usual friends, but a girl you haven't seen before, with blue hair and antennas. Those antennas were hanging low and she was fidgeting with her fingers ... could it be?

Curiously, you paused shoving leaves into a trash bag and listened carefully. They were about 16 feet away from you and didn't really speak loudly, so you really had to perk up your ears to catch anything. By the way, over the last year Kirishima obviously had a growth spurt, he was almost towering over her. Okay, she was petite, but your scalp would reach him to his nose. Maybe less... And when the redhead let his bright smile shine, your heart soared. It was insane how attractive this smile was. Ah, shit you wanted to listen! Flustered, you concentrated again...

"... th-therefore I wanted to ask you...", her voice peaked up more and more, until she literally squeaked the last words, "...if you maybe wanted to go on a date with me?" You had to stifle a giggle, this was too adorable!

Kirishima's cheeks lit up quite a bit and his arm flew nervously to the back of his head. Oh, this was getting interesting, if Bakugou now burst it would be a perfect drama, nagging his boyfriend away from her ...

Then it hit you: This poor shaking thing might have been you if you had the guts to do it.

Fuck, blue antenna girl was way more courageous than you, and you called yourself strong! Humbled, you sympathized with this now crying girl. And the redhead was even more overwhelmed now, waving his hands around, desperately trying to stop her tears.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't cry..."

"But aren't you rejecting me?"

"Wha- err, well..."

His eyes definitely lingered on her wringing hands before he put his own on her shoulders, making her look up again.

So he knew about the soulmarks and checked her whether it might be you. Your breath hitched. Did this mean, if you had the guts like blue antenna girl, you could've had a chance? This damned heart in your chest hammered so damn loudly, you were sure these two over there could hear it. Your face was burning hot.

Kirishima's stare got serious – plus flushed cheeks: "I am truly sorry. I really appreciate your feelings, this was so incredibly manly! But I am already taken."

An ice-cold feeling spread through your intestines, where previously butterflies made you all tingly. Of course. Besides, if you just confessed your feelings, he wouldn't know you at all. Just some blurry feelings here and there... depicting to him and Bakugou how fucked up you truly are...

So, you glanced once more at Kirishima bowing apologetically to antenna blue girl who became your unsuspecting guinea pig. Once more you rubbed over your covered wrist. Remembered yesterday's despair and frustration from your soulmates.

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