Steve x Captain {Fluff}

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Requested by Dizzy-Tuesday

Thanks for requesting!!!


For the past few days, there has been nothing to do at the base, and Steve was getting quite tired of it. There were only so many times he could clean and polish the tank before he became bored, and he needed something better to do, anyways.

While pondering his options, Steve realized that he hadn't met up with Captain in quite a while, so he figured it wouldn't hurt to pay him a visit now. Captain was probably just as bored as Steve, so in a way, Steve was doing him a favor by visiting.

As he made his way over to Captain's room, Steve noticed that all the other soldiers he passed seemed bored out of their minds. Something better happen around here soon before we all die of boredom, Steve thought. He would probably go insane if this continued any longer.

He knocked on Captain's door, praying that he would answer so that Steve would have something interesting to do--if you consider cock jokes to be interesting, that is.

Captain answered the door immediately, as if he had been waitng there all day. "Steve! Thank god, get in here! I'm bored as fuck!"

What a kind greeting, Steve thought as Captain dragged him in the room an threw him onto the couch in one swift motion.

"So!" Captain said, flopping onto the couch next to Steve, "What are we gonna do?"

"Ummm.... I dunno," Steve admitted, "I didn't really think this far ahead."

Captain sat silently for a moment, rubbing his chin in thought, before perking up and snapping his fingers. "I know! Let's watch a movie!"

"You have movies?"

"I'm sure I do somewhere!" Captain said before running off to dig through his belongings.

///A few minutes later///

"I found something!" Captain yelled, running back to where Steve was with a CD in his hand.

"What movie is it?"

"I have absolutely no idea!"

Steve sighed. "Well, I guess we've got nothing better to do. Let's watch it."


Steve watched as the movie came to an end and the credits slowly crept up the screen, sighing and rubbing his eyes. The movie had ended up lasting longer than they had expected, and Steve was pretty tired.

He was about to turn his head to glance at Captain when a heavy weight fell onto his shoulder, stopping him. He looked over to see that Captain had fallen asleep, and was using Steve's shoulder as a pillow.

Steve was shocked, confused, and maybe even a little happy... he had never really thought of Captain that way before, but with his read resting comfterably on his shoulder, he realized that maybe, just maybe, he could get used to it.

With that thought in mind, he leaned over to rest his head on top of Captain's, and closed his eyes, revelling in the warmth.

Yeah, Steve could definitely get used to this.


Wow, a Tankmen fanfic with no cock jokes???? Jesus christ I didn't know it was possible

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