Tankman x Tsundere! Fem! Reader

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-The Reader is female

-For the sake of this story, the Reader is a soldier

-Sorry it took so long, I have no motivation :(


It was a very plain and boring day at the military base. All of the soldiers had nothing to do, and most of them were simply wandering around. Y/N was one of those people. She was wandering through the halls, trying to think of ways she can spend this boring day. She would occasionally see other soldiers walking around, looking equally as bored, but she didn't bother stopping to chat with anyone.

Y/N had been wandering for about 10 minutes now, enjoying the peaceful silence of the empty halls. Unfortunately, that silence was quickly ruined with the crackle of the loudspeaker.

"Y/N, please come to my office immediately."

Y/N quickly recognized the voice to be Tankman's, and sighed loudly when she realized that he wanted to see her. He probably just wanted to share some stupid cock joke.

Y/N groaned, beginning the short walk to his office.

When she arrived, Y/N threw the door open without even bothering to knock first.

"What do you want, asshole? Here to tell me another cock joke?" Y/N crossed her arms and glared at Tankman.

Instead of looking smug, as he usually did, Tankman looked nervous. Y/N couldn't care less about his feelings, though. All she wanted was to go back to wandering around.

"Actually, no.. I'd l-like to be serious with you.." He shuffled his feet anxiously.

"Go on, then," Y/N scoffed, "What do you want to tell me?"

"U-uhm, Y/N.." He said, taking a small step closer to her, "I-I like you, and was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me sometime?"

Tankman held his breath as he watched Y/N process the information.

She was shocked, to say the least. But her scowl only deepened.

"Hell no! Why would I ever like an asshole like you?!" Y/N screamed, "Ugh. I'm leaving."

Without giving him time to respond, Y/N left his office, slamming the door on her way out.



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It had been about an hour since that had happened, and Y/N still couldn't get her mind off of it. She never really wanted to say all those things to him.. In fact, maybe she even reciprocated his feelings a little! But she still thought he was an asshole...

More than anything, Y/N felt bad about what she said. Feelings of guilt were never something she had to deal with, especially not towards Tankman. Normally, she wouldn't even care about his feelings... why was this different?

She couldn't take it anymore. As hard as it would be for her, Y/N was going to apologize.



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Y/N slammed Tankman's door open, again, without knocking, and speed walked into his office.

There, she saw Tankman sitting in his chair, looking depressed and exhausted. He looked up when she entered the room, but only seemed more disappointed when he realized that it was her.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" He asked, voice strained and tired.

As much as Y/N wanted to spit out a string of apologies, she found herself unable to speak. It just wasn't like her to apologize to someone, especially not Tankman. But here she was.

Her head wanted her to just give up and leave, forget that she had ever felt these feelings, but her heart wanted her to do something completely different.

She came this far, and wasn't giving up. Y/N listened to her heart.

Apparently, her heart thought that actions would speak louder than words. Before she even knew what she was doing, Y/N found her lips on Tankman's.

Sure, this wasn't something Y/N would normally do, but maybe she would allow it, just this once.

// the end //

Hope you enjoyed! ^^

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