Happy!Pico x Traumatized!Reader

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This is my longest oneshot yet! I made it past 1,000! :)

The reader is gender neutral btw


"10, 9, 8, 7..."

Y/N giggled to themself, watching their mom cover her eyes and begin the countdown. They were playing hide-and-seek, Y/N's favorite game.

Y/N tiptoed through the house, looking for a spot where they could hide. They wandered into the kitchen, and immediately their eyes fell on a cabinet that was slightly ajar. They would fit inside perfectly, and there was no way they would be found in a hiding spot as good as this one!

Y/N crawled into the cabinet, which was slightly bigger than they expected, and made themself comfortable.

While getting themself situated, Y/N noticed a tiny hole in the thin oak wood, where they could look out of abd see the entire kitchen.

"6, 5, 4, 3..."

Y/N kept their eye fixed on the hole, waiting for their mom to come through and search for them.

"2, 1... Ready or not, here I come!"

Almost immediately, Y/N's mom found their dad, who was never too good at hiding. The two of them started to walk together, searching for Y/N.

Y/N suppressed a giggle as their mom and dad walked into the kitchen. They knew that there was no way they could find them--this hiding spot was one of a kind, after all!

Suddenly, a loud bang rang out through the dimly lit house, originating near the front door. Y/N was startled, and looked through the hole in the wood to see what had caused the noise.

There, in front of the door, was a man dressed in all black, holding a gun.

Y/N's heart began to pound, and they were frozen in place as they watched the man raise his gun, pointing it at their mom and dad.

Two shots rang out, loud and terrifying, followed by two dull thuds as Y/N's parent's bodies hot the floor. Silence followed, leaving Y/N scared and confused.

Y/N wanted desperately to believe that it was just a dream, and that any moment now, they would wake up...

Any moment now...

Unfortunately, that moment never came.

Y/N was paralyzed in fear, shaking uncontrollably yet unable to cry out. They stared at the man who had just shot them, feeling a deep anger bubble within them.

The anger overtook their fear, and soon enough, Y/N was glaring glaring at the man through the hole.

Suddenly, Y/N felt something cold brush against their fingers. They felt along the unknown object, trying to identify it.

The object in Y/N's hand was a knife.

A cold, sharp knife.

They gingerly felt along the edge of it, watching the cold metal glisten in the small amount of light coming through the hole. They looked at the man, then back at the knife, and an idea began to bloom in Y/N's mind.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and this knife was certainly cold enough.


/// 5 years later ///

Y/N awoke with a gasp, sweat rolling down their face. It was that nightmare again; the incident from 5 years ago.

Yes, it had been 5 while years since Y/N watched their parents die in front of them, but they still hadn't recovered.

It wasn't so much the death they witnessed that haunted them as it was the events that occurred after. Y/N still felt like a murderer.

Y/N now lived with their aunt and uncle, and although they were happy and comfortable, the memories still remained with them.

Nearly every night, they had the same nightmare. It was as clear as the day it happened, crisp and fresh in Y/N's mind. No matter how much they tried to forget about it or distract themself, the memory would linger, tormenting them endlessly.

They couldn't even bear to look at a knife again.

Y/N sat up in their bed, slipping some shoes on and grabbing a coat. When they had a nightmare, Y/N would usually go for a quick walk to calm their mind and just give them some fresh air.

They tiptoed as quietly as possible through the house, trying not to disturb their aunt or uncle. They finally got outside, and they shut the door gently. The midnight air was cool and crisp.

Y/N took a deep breath and then began to walk, already feeling slightly more calm. The turned to walk down an alley, but a hand suddenly grabbed them and pulled them back.

Y/N gasped, wriggling out of their attacker's grasp and whipping around to face them.

There, standing in front of them, was a man dressed in all black...

And holding a knife.

Y/N felt their breath catch in their throat. Just the sight of a knife, glistening in the dim streetlights, was enough to send them into a panic.

Y/N felt themself freeze in place, paralyzed and terrified as the memories resurfaced and tortured them all over again.

The man, taking advantage of their fear, lunged forward, bearing the knife. Y/N could only watch in horror.

They managed to squeeze their eyes shut, preparing for the worst.

But it never came.

They opened their eyes slightly and saw another man, who looked to be about Y/N's age, who had flung Y/N's attacker away from them, knocking him out cold.

The man then turned to Y/N, a concerned look on his freckled face.

Y/N couldn't help but notice how cute
he looked. Even if they were terrified beyond belief, they could still appreciate his handsomeness.

He walked up to Y/N, leaning down in front of them.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asked, sounding incredibly worried.

Somehow, Y/N found it within themself to answer. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."
They were still a little shaken up from the attack, but other than that, they weren't too bad.

The ginger-haired boy nodded, standing up and offering a hand out to help Y/N up. Y/N blushed and grabbed his hand.

"My name is Pico," he said, smiling. "What's your name?"

Pico's smile made Y/N feel at ease, and they felt themself smiling, too. "I'm Y/N."

"Well, Y/N," Pico said, holding their hand and walking forward, "let's get you home."


Part 2? 👀

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