Yandere BF x Reader

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I wrote this with a mild fever so sorry if it sucks :(

Requested by emoplayeranime

I AM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!! I've been so unmotivated lately and I sincerely apologize for making you wait :(((



It was a regular day for Boyfriend. He was rap battling, as always, but now he was simply leaning against the speakers and waiting for his opponent to arrive.

This time, Boyfriend was quite confident that his opponent wouldn't be some murderous lemon or a high school pretty boy with anger issues. As far as he knew, this would just be a normal person.

After a few minutes of waiting by the speakers with Girlfriend, he noticed someone running up onto the stage, microphone in hand.

Ah, so this is Y/N, Boyfriend thought to himself as they took their spot across from him and prepared for the rap battle.

"Sorry I'm a little late!" Y/N frantically apologized, but Boyfriend barely paid attention to what they had said. He was too busy admiring Y/N's beauty; their sparkling eyes, the plump lips that he was yearning to kiss; oh, he could go on.

Boyfriend didn't care that he was staring, and didn't care that his girlfriend was giving him a confused look. A feeling of some sort came over Boyfriend in that moment, and he realized that it was love.

He used to believe that love at first sight was ridiculous, but now, it was clear to him that he truly had fallen in love with Y/N the very second their eyes met.

"Uh... should we start the rap battle now?" Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow at Boyfriend, who was still in a trance-like state.

Mmmm.. their voice is so soft and velvety, Boyfriend thought to himself.

Without even thinking about Y/N's question, Boyfriend nodded, and the speakers began to play music.


It was hard for Boyfriend to concentrate with such a gorgeous person in front of him, but he was surprisingly able to pull off a win.

Y/N was panting by the time they finished the look at note, exhausted and completely drained of energy.

"Well, thanks for the battle, Boyfriend!" They said, walking up to the blue-haired rapper and extending their hand, asking for a handshake.

Boyfriend couldn't care less about Y/N's implications; he simply saw the hand as an invitation for much more than a handshake.

Boyfriend grabbed Y/N's wrist, pulling them towards his chest, and swiftly placed his lips on theirs.

Y/N squirmed slightly in his grasp, surprised at the sudden movement. It only made Boyfriend push his lips more firmly against theirs, forcing them to return the kiss.

The crowd was yelling wildly, becoming an ocean of screams, but Boyfriend was able to tune out the noises. Right now, all his focus was on Y/N.

Boyfriend heard a few light steps behind him before he was suddenly pulled away from Y/N.

There stood his Girlfriend, with the most pissed off look anyone could have. She smacked Boyfriend clean across the face, teeth clenched in anger.

"You asshole!" She screamed at him harshly. "After everything we've been throu-"

Girlfriend was cut off suddenly when Boyfriend wrapped his hand around her throat and slowly drained the life out of her.

The crowd had stopped yelling at that point, and everyone simply sat there, paralyzed in fear. Boyfriend's eyes were locked on Girlfriend's, watching her slowly die with a smirk on his face.

Girlfriend's choking had finally stopped, and she laid limply in his hand, dead. Boyfriend threw her body onto the ground harshly, chuckling to himself.

He slowly turned around to peer at Y/N, who was shaking in fear.

Now that his Girlfriend was dead, there was nobody else to interfere with his plans.

Boyfriend smirked.


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