Goodbye loki

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Hey guys, sorry i havent been uploading, I've been busy with work bc Corona cancelled exams. Give me ideas on what you want to read in this book. Thanks people, love ya'll. Very short, I'm in college right now 😘

Peter's pov

This is all moving too fast. What is wrong with me?!? I kissed a God. A literal GOD. I'm moving way- Ned would be so jealous- NOT THE TIME! I'm moving way to fast. I'm freaking out right now.

Oh my God hes looking at me... damn hes hot... come give me a cud- DAMN IT PETER.

I have to leave. I need to leave now. This was wrong.

"I... I have to leave... like now" I said. I sat up, clutching my stomach as it aches.

3rd pov (kinda)

Loki glances at the boy in front of him, he had almost healed and it terrifies him. He doesnt want to leave, he wants him to stay with him in the tower, and make him food when hes hungry or hug him when he has a nightmare (which has happened twice so far). People might not know this about Loki, but when he cares about people, he really cares. He shows peter is worth it by providing food and safety for them. Hes never had a love interest, but thor had, and it's the 'asgardian way' to court a partner. Prove you can provide for them. It's what hes been doing with the arachnid for the last 3 days hes been here. He just wishes his time hasn't been cut short. No, he wont accept it.

"You are still injured, young arachnid. Perhaps it would be better if you stayed at least one more day, I would hate for you to injure yourself further after how long it took you to heal" his voice was strong but his eyes were sad and hopeful.

"I... I cant. I have to get to school, I cant miss anymore days off, and... and aunt may will be there to help me... I'll be fine mr Loki, I promise" The smile he gave Loki didnt reach his eyes and his heart broke a little.

Loki looked down and sighed. "Very well, young arachnid, I'll have someone take you home. NO fighting me on this" he said as he saw Peter ready to argue.

"Thanks, Mr Loki"

As Loki turned out the door, Peter heard him whisper "goodbye my arachnid"

"Bye Mr.Stabby"

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