chapter 5

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Peter's pov

I open my eyes only to have to shut them again due to the blinding light. Trying again to open my eyes, I prise them open and look around the room I am in. It is almost fully white, like a room they would do human experiments in, but it didn't feel dangerous and my spider sense wasn't going off, and to be quite honest, it's warm and comfortable. I look over to the window and notice that it's dark outside, probably night time.

As I try to get up, I finally notice the weight on my left shoulder. I look down to see pure black hair, a man I could not see the face of but I can tell he has pale skin.

Who is he? What happened? Where am I?

Suddenly I remember. The school, the gunshot, the bullet ripping through my skin... Mr.Stabby.

Huh, this must be Mr.Stabby then I guess. Should I wake him up? How long has he been sleeping, maybe I should let him rest a little while... hang on, how long have I been sleeping? Aunt may is gonna be pis-

My thoughts were interrupted by the head of the man retreating. It was here I had the opportunity to see his face once and for all.

My heart stopped.

"...Mr Loki?" Barely a whisper, but I knew he heard as his head whipped round to me faster than I've ever seen before.

"PETER! oh, my arachnid, I thought you was going to die, foolish mortal, why would you WILLINGLY go up to a man with a gun? What things do they teach you on midgard, you're lucky you're injured or I'd stab you myself for your stupidity! I thought I'd loose you, I care too much to see you get hurt, I can't lose another person..." he ended with a grieving whisper.

I dont know what came over me. I really dont. But I reached out and placed my hand on his face, pulled him closer and placed a gentle, ghost of a kiss to his lips. Then whispering 8 words I hope he never forgets.

"I promise that I'll never leave you, Loki"

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