{7} Bus Ride

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George had set his alarm for 7am, but he ended up waking up at 5:40am.

Why can't I go back to sleep...? Its so early.

Even though the sun hadn't even awoken yet, George tiptoed out of bed and opened the curtains. Quietly walking to the shower, he put it on the lowest level, making sure not wake any of the other people in the household.

The soft whirring of the fan and the gentle pattering of the warm shower on his face, George started to mentally prepare himself for the day ahead of him.

Moving schools is terrifying, especially when its in a completely different country. How would he get to lessons? He'd seen images of the school and it looked huge, how was he going to navigate his way around its vast corridors and many, many classrooms?

And his biggest fear, was he going to be liked? George had always been quiet and out of the way in his old school, but he figured that would change as soon as he stepped in through the gates. Everyone would ask him questions and probably make fun of his accent...although Dream did say that he wouldn't let that happen...Dream.

Would Dream stay with him? Would he show him the way to places? Would he show him around the school?

No, I'm being too clingy. I only have one shot at a proper friend, I can't mess it up and act desperate and lonely.

George decided that his main goal was to try and be as subtle as possible and not to draw attention to himself, the new kid. He would ask for a map of the school, and work it out himself. He would do it on his own, like he always does.

Getting out the shower and carefully picking an outfit, Georges nerves were really starting to kick in.

I may be able to pretend I'm sick...no, that won't last forever, I'll have to go eventually. And mother would know, and I would have to tell Dream why I'm not there, ugh I hate this.

George finally picked an outfit out of the big box of clothes his mother had left by his door, looks like the delivery van had finally come.

The hoodie Dream had given him last night, with grey jeans. No one would pay that much attention to him if he was as plain as possible, which was good, but he didn't want to seem TOO plain, nothing like a good outfit to make a good first impression to his peers. And the hoodie was so comforting that he figured it would calm him in stressful situations.

Silently going downstairs, he poured a bowl of cereal and ate it slowly.

He started to think about all the possibilities that could happen that day, what if he had to 'introduce himself to the class'?! That would be hell, what would he say? What if he had to say a 'fun fact' about himself?!

"Morning darling, I'm going for a job interview today so I'll see you quite late, maybe about 7pm?" His mother came in all fresh and perfect "You have keys? Good boy. Remember to make a good first impression at school today!" And with that his mother left without a single word of encouragement or affection.

George rolled his eyes, and finished his cereal. The time was 7:47am, George was really panicking now.

Grabbing all his things that he needed in his bag, he propped it on the door and ran upstairs to brush his teeth.

7:55am. 5 more minutes and he would knock on hid neighbours door and be escorted to the bus. Oh god the bus, how was he going to go unnoticed on that? Its crammed with nosey people all wanting to hear the latest gossip...Oh my god what if there is no where to sit!? He was going to look like a loser...

Sprinting downstairs again, he slung his bag over his shoulder as his sister came downstairs.

"Who's hoodie is that?"

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