A/N: A Little Apology

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been updating this story. It's not to say that I don't want to anymore but just that I hadn't had time to to write. Life got hectic with school and work, and I got hella stressed but I won't bore you with details. I absolutely promise to continue this, my schedule has cleared up some. For once I feel kinda in control💪🏻, I like my job schedules. So I will update when not at work. ALSO, I um, I have to play the game again 💀😰 I remember being scared to play and I tried to channel that into this fanfic. It feels more real playing it than watching someone else play it. Though both is good. I'll have to read my story again to set in motion newer chapters too.

It makes me a bit shy but happy to see that you all like my writing. ☺️ For a long time I put myself down, telling myself that I didn't write as good as other fanfic writers wrote.
But omg you all, thank you so much for commenting! I'm sorry for not replying, but I do appreciate it and in the future as we go deeper into the story I will reply more!

(I think I will delete this once I put newer chapters up.)


...I still can't believe you like my writing. *blushes*

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