Bang Chan #1

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Member: Bang Chan

Scenario: When you faint

You couldn't remember the last time you slept and Chan was getting worried by the day. One day you were at the hospital, it was 3 a.m. and you had just finished up a 10 hour surgery. Once you get out of the O.R. (operating room), you get a call. You pick up the phone, exhausted, and look at the caller, "Channie." You pick up the call, "Hello?". "Hey, when are you getting home?" he says. "I just finished with surgery, let me finish up some paperwork and I'll be right there." "You have been working for more than 24 hours now Y/N, I'm getting worried about you. Please come home and get some sleep, you can finish the paperwork later." "I can't Chan, I have to finish this before the patient gets discharged" you respond. Just as you finish your sentence, you hear a call from the hall, "Y/N, we need you, we have an incoming patient from a car crash and he needs immediate surgery on his abdomen." "Ok, I'll be right there" you yell. "Sorry, baby, I have to go, someone needs surgery immediately" you say through the phone and hang up before he could say anything. You feel guilty for hanging up on your boyfriend, but you have to get to the O.R. quickly.

Once you start, the surgery unexpectedly stretches out for 6 hours and by the time you finish it is already 9 a.m. You come out exhausted and barely able to walk on your own two feet. Once you come out, you see someone sitting on the waiting areas chairs and you immediately let out a big sigh of relief as if an entire weight was let off of your chest. Its Chan and he is sitting, head down, playing impatiently with his fingers and lost in his thoughts. "Channie!!!" you call out and he looks up at you, eyes full of worry. He stands up and walks over to you with his arms stretched out. You run into his arms and let him carry your weight, the relief feels so great that you feel a little lightheaded and suddenly everything goes black.

"Y/N, wake up!!! Can you hear me? Baby, are you ok? Please open your eyes." You finally wake up and find yourself on a bed in one of the hospital rooms with Chan sitting next to you. "Oh my gosh you're awake. Do you know how worried I was?" Chan scans you to double check to see if you are ok and leans in for a forehead kiss. You look at him, tears in your eyes, "I'm so tired you say." "Ok baby, get some sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up."

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