Hyunjin #1

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Member: Hyunjin

Scenario: When you faint

Everyone thinks the life of a model is easy work but it is actually very difficult and tiring. Those who are not involved in the business have little knowledge of what actually goes on, thinking that it is just a series of pictures that people take once in a while. However, you, on the other hand, know full well what it is like and how hard you work. Your schedule is always busy and full and you never have time for anything like food or sleep. Your boyfriend, Hyunjinnie, is always worried about you and the condition of your health. You always reassure him saying that you are fine and change the subject.

But, lately, you have been receiving hate comments on social media saying that you have gotten fat and need to lose weight. Looking at those comments, you know that you should not pay attention, but you cant help it and it hurts to always have to hear people's harsh opinions about you. One day, you are sitting and reading some comments on your phone when your company starts calling and you answer. "Hello Y/N, we have received news that the public would like to see you lose weight so we have gotten to work and put you on a diet plan for the next few months. We have emailed it to you, if you have any questions for me, please email me. Thank you" she says and hangs up before you can answer. You, of course, go straight to your email and find the diet plan. You open it and immediately feel sick. How am I going to do this for 5 months straight? You skim over it and read some. It says:

Monday: 3 cherry tomatoes for breakfast and one piece of cheese for dinner.

It seems so unrealistic it's crazy. All of the days on the chart have meals like Monday and you have no choice but to follow it. You start and a week later, you schedule a date with your boyfriend. You are waiting for him to pick you up when you get a phone call from "Hyunjinnie". "Hello?" you ask. "Hey, babe, I'm outside." Ok, I'm coming you say as you walk out." "Heyyyy!!!" you climb into the car and wave at him. "Ready?" he asks as you nod.

You two arrive at the restaurant and get seated while you start chatting. "How was your week?" he asks. You decide not to reveal anything about the diet and put on a smile. "Great, what about you?" "Tiring" he responds. "Awww, my baby is tired" you pout. "Hey, cut it out and let's order something." he laughs. "I'll just have a salad you say looking down." "You sure?" he asks. "Yeah, I'm not that hungry, I had a company dinner" you lie. When the food arrives, you take a few bites here and there but stop after a while, not wanting to break the diet. He looks at you, concerned. "Babe, you barely ate anything he says." "I'm not that hungry." you respond. You stand up and excuse yourself to the restroom. After you come back, Hyunjin is waiting for you, "Ready to go?" he asks and you nod. You feel a little dizzy so you take his hand and walk alongside him. He notices you are leaning on him more than normal and leans down to take a look at you. "Are you ok?" You close your eyes and feel yourself slipping before Hyunjin catches you and runs to the car. He put you in his car and crouched in front of the door shaking you. "Hey, hey babe, are you ok? Answer me, pleaseee" You start to open your eyes as he looks at you, pouting with tears threatening his eyes. "You scared meeeee!!!" he calls out. "How long has it been since you have eaten?" he asks, suspicious. You tell him what happened as he listens carefully, worried and about to cry. "I'm so sorry, if I had paid more attention to you, I would have known and helped you." he says, a single tear falling down his face. He hated seeing you like this. "It's not your fault, I didn't tell you about it sooner." He suddenly takes you in a big hug and when he pulls away, he takes your face in his hands, looks into your eyes and says, "I promise I will pay more attention to you in the future, baby, I promise."

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