Felix #1

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Member: Felix

Scenario: When you faint

Insomnia has always been something you struggled with from a very young age. It was always bad and you would stay up overthinking, staring up at the ceiling, working on some art, going on your phone, or just waiting for your brain to let you sleep. It was always like this no matter how tired you were. Lately, though, it has become extra difficult for you to fall asleep due to the amount of stress your job is putting on you. Working at the JYP company was great, since you can see your boyfriend, Felix, anytime but it was also very stressful and exhausting. Now you stay up at night for way too long and don't get any sleep before you have to leave for work the next day. Sometimes, you get the pleasure of seeing Felix here and there, but other times you go days without seeing his face and all you can do is text or call him.

This particular week, you had not gotten any sleep due to the stress from a project you were taking the lead on. Exhaustion was hitting very hard and the only thing keeping you awake was coffee. You were so tired and barely stayed awake for the meeting that was ongoing. Finally, the meeting is over and you drag yourself out attempting to get to your desk. When you arrive you see your sunshine waiting in your chair. Felix sits there with the biggest smile on his face and stares right back at you. You look back with tired eyes and manage to smile for him. His face changes to a worried one and walks up to you engulfing you in the warmest hug ever asking "Is everything ok? Are you sick?" You shake your head no and decide to put on an energetic face for him. "Want to go for some coffee while you're here?" you ask, hoping to talk to him and get a chance for some coffee. He nods and wraps his arm around you as you two walk towards the coffee shop.

On your way, you start to feel more tired than usual but you insist on not showing it because you don't want to make Felix worry too much. As you approach the coffee shop, you start to feel your head start to pound and you stop in your tracks. Felix still has his arm around you as he stops and leans down to get a good look at your face and see if you are ok. Your knees start to feel weak as you clutch his pink hoodie for support but it is too late as everything goes black. Felix catches you and picks you up bridal style as he makes his way to the nearest chair. "Babe, wake up!!!! Y/N, can you hear me??? Hey, are you ok, please open your eyes" When you finally wake up, you are laying in your bed and Felix is by your side sobbing and holding your hand. You look at him confusingly and call out "Babe? What happened?" He looks at you with tears in his eyes as relief washes over him. "Oh thank god. I thought you were dead" he yells. You flinch and he notices and says "Sorry." You chuckle and look at him with loving eyes. "What? You were asleep for a whole day" he says as your eyes widen. A whole day? "What are you talking about? Was I that tired?" you ask. "Yes, now promise me you will call me over anytime you cant sleep" he pleads. "I promise" you reply.

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