Han #1

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Member: Han

Scenario: When you faint

You were never a big fan of blood or anything that was related to it. In fact, you have fainted at the sight of blood even if it was your own. Your boyfriend, Han, always makes fun of this specific problem of yours and teases you about it all the time. But with that being said, he had never seen it happen in reality before and only heard stories from your friends and sometimes, you. You were both sitting in the living room and cuddling under the AC after a long, hot day. The sun was very bright that day and Han had been out on a photoshoot. He came back exhausted and his head was pounding so you decided to comfort him with some snacks and cold drinks under the AC.

"Does your head still hurt that bad?" you ask worriedly. "A little bit, but you make it so much better" he smiles and snuggles into you with a big hug. You start to chuckle and yell "Stop" through your laughter as he tickles you. Suddenly, his phone rings and he picks up the phone. "Hey, Hyunjin, what's up?" he asks and continues, "Nooooo, I'm already so tired, I cant do this today again!!!" You start to look concerned as you look up at him wondering what Hyunjin could have told him. He hangs up, clearly frustrated and looks at you.

"What's wrong babe?" you plead with your eyes. "It's just that I have to go out for some more pictures because they said they need to take more for the photoshoot and I don't want to." He whines, pouting. "It's still so hot and I just got my headache to go away." "I'm sorry baby, I don't know what to tell you. I can only promise that I will be here waiting for you when you get back." You look up with a smile, trying to cheer him up. "Thank you Y/N, you're the best." He gets ready once again and leaves but only after planting a quick kiss on your cheek.

You wait for a couple of hours which makes you more and more worried because you don't want him to get sick or get a heatstroke from the sun and stay out too long. You decide to distract yourself with a kdrama so you turn on the TV and sit there, waiting for your Hannie to return. All of a sudden, you hear the door opening and you jump up and run towards it, excited to see Han and make sure he is ok. He walks in and he looks like he is about to collapse. He is sweating, panting, and his face is as red as a tomato. You look at him with worried eyes, "Are you ok? Come on lets go inside" you say as you drag him to the couch.

He falls onto the couch and you crouch in front of him, scanning his body to see if he is ok. He closes his eyes and his head starts to hurt. You automatically lean towards him, worried. He opens his eyes and suddenly, without warning, a stream of blood flows down from his nose. As soon as you see it you start to feel queasy and before you know it, you are on the floor. He looks at you, confused, unable to think. Should he wipe his nose or try to wake you up? He grabs a napkin, smudges the blood away, and hovers over you shaking and slapping your cheeks to wake you up. "Y/N wake uppppp!!" he whines. "Babyyyy, are you ok?" he asks over and over again. You start to open your eyes and suddenly shoot up. "Oh my gosh did I faint? Hannie, are you ok? I'm sorry Im such a terrible girlfriend, I couldn't even take care of you when you got a nosebleed" you say, feeling guilty and looking down. "Do you have any idea how scared I was? I didn't know whether to take care of you or myself you silly." he chuckles as he pulls you into a hug. This makes you laugh and you feel so happy that he always manages to make you laugh. "Come on let's go, you still have to take care of me" he teases and you respond with "Just dont get anymore nosebleeds." He laughs and says "I'll try not to."

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