Jeongin #1

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Member: Jeongin

Scenario: When you faint

You have been working at JYP as a trainee for a while now after you got accepted about 2 months ago. Getting to hang out and see your boyfriend, Jeongin, is definitely wonderful but it is also very difficult being a trainee. You are more focused on being a singer but you also have to practice dancing as well if you want to debut. It had been a tough two months as you started working harder than ever on bettering your skills. Your boyfriend is usually worried about you and tells you to take it easy often. You, however, continue to work hard and rarely get any sleep. Balancing school with everything is also one of the most difficult parts because it becomes hard to create a good schedule. One week, you had been doing extra dancing and singing lessons. You also had to practice and go to school at the same time. That week your routine would basically be going to school in the morning, going to the company afterwards and doing a lesson, practicing, doing another lesson, practicing some more, and then staying up all night to do some homework only to have to go to school in the morning again. You had barely gotten a total of 2 hours of sleep every night.

You were in the dance studio and practicing some moves your teacher told you to work on when Jeongin came in. "Hey babe!!!" he greeted with a huge smile on his face. He was wearing black joggers, sneakers, and a black hoodie with a big white heart on it. He looked so adorable wearing comfortable clothing and you loved seeing him like this. "Heyyyy!!!" you replied back returning a smile. "How long have you been practicing for?" he asked, concerned. He had a feeling that you were practicing for a lot longer than you should be. "About an hour..." you lied looking down. He knew it and looked at you with an I-know-you're-lying look. "Y/N... Please tell me the truth. I know you have been practicing for too long. Now take a break please." he says. "No, I have to get this right before the lesson tomorrow." you reply with a stubborn look. "Fine, I'll sit here and watch then." he snaps back and sits down on the floor.

You continue with the practice and run the same dance over and over again but without any progress. The progress is way too small to notice. You start to get frustrated and finally just fall to the floor and start to cry. You are exhausted and can't even get the stupid dance right. You just feel incredibly frustrated. When Jeongin sees you, he quickly stands up and rushes to your side and puts his arms around your shoulders. "Hey, hey, it's ok. You just need to get some sleep, come back tomorrow, and approach this dance with a fresh mind." You look at him, eyes full of tears and nod. You find safety in him and just as you were thinking about that, things start to get blurry and you fall completely into his arms.

He starts to shake you and yells, "Y/N, can you hear me? Babe, wake up please. Are you ok? Y/N?" He does not get a response so he picks you up and quickly takes you to the hospital. They let him know that you fainted from exhaustion as he makes his way to your room and sits by your side until you wake up. You open your eyes to the image of his sobbing face and your heart automatically breaks into a million pieces. "Baby, please don't cry..." you call out and reach for his hand. He looks at you and takes it. "Oh Y/N, you are finally awake!!! I was so worried about you." he exclaims. He looks at you with the most sincere and meaningful eyes and says, "Please don't do this to yourself again, I don't want to be alone." This causes your heart to break and a tear to slide down your face as you reply, "I won't, I promise."

Sorry this took a while for me to write. I had writer's block for a few days but I was able to finally get it done. I hope you enjoy :)

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