Lee Know #1

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Member: Lee Know

Scenario: When you faint

Dancing has always been something you loved to do and that was exactly the reason Lee Know was perfect for you. He has been busy with the new comeback lately and has been working nonstop. He still finds time to talk to you, but only on the phone and you haven't seen each other in over a month. You still practice dancing and create choreography in your free time and this was one of those days. You were in your room and creating a new choreography for a recent song you heard. You had been practicing for hours and forgot to get proper food and hydration.

In the middle of the dance session, you get a call from "My Minho". You answer the phone with a "Hiiii!!!" "Hey, babe, I missed you, what are you up to?" "Nothing much" you say. "So practice just got cancelled because of a meeting and I have some free time if you want to come to the studio. We can dance together like old times." "Yayyyy, that would be amazing, I'm so excited, I'll be right there." You rush outside, wanting to get there quickly in order to see him as soon as possible.

When you get to the studio, he is waiting while scrolling through his phone. He looks up and smiles at you as you run into his arms missing the warmth they provide. "You missed me that much huh?" he teases as you playfully hit his arm. "Shall we get started?" he asks as he walks over to the speaker to start playing some music. You start dancing together and have so much fun that a few hours pass by before you notice the time.

After three hours, you two decide to take a break. "I will go get us some water" he says and you nod. While he is gone, you feel a little lightheaded but you push the feeling away, hoping it will stop soon. Lee Know comes back with two water bottles and hands you one. You try to open it but for some reason, you feel very weak so you hand it to him and ask, "Can you please open it for me?" "What a weakling" he jokes. As he starts opening it, you feel lightheaded once again, but this time the feeling is stronger. You feel yourself start to lose balance and hold on to Minho's arm for support but fail and start to fall before he catches you. "What the hell? Y/N, whats wrong? Wake up you idiot!!!" He tries to shake you awake a few times but fails. He picks you up and lays your head on his lap. You finally slowly open your eyes and stare up at him, confused. "This is why we cant have nice things" he teases but you can see that he is actually very worried. "Have you been drinking water?" he asks and you shake your head no. "I'm going to start sending you daily reminders to drink water because apparently you can't even do THAT on your own" he chuckles.

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