[Chapter 26] || Hero Killer Stain ||

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Sorcerer Supreme Knowledge 101: The Crystals of Cyndriarr is a spell that summons crystals that cause death upon contact.


'I would've went with Stark.'
"That's just because he invented you."
'He doesn't have a son he wants you to marry.'

"Y/n your supposed to go left not right." Todoroki said from behind you.

You turned to the left, "I knew that."
'This is going to be interesting.'

Second Person P.OV.
Location: The Endeavor Agency, Musutafu Japan.

You awed at the tall building, "Wow..."
You trailed behind Todoroki, your eyes sparkling at everything.

The receptionist told you where to go,
But at this point you were just blindly following Todoroki not even noticing you walked into Endeavor's huge office.

Todoroki abruptly stopped causing you to bump into his back. You poked your head from behind him and looked up at the hero.

"Oh flame beard!"

He completely ignored you, "I've been waiting for you Shoto. It seems you are finally ready to take the path of the mighty."

You moved to Todoroki's side as he spoke, "I have no intention of going down a path you made. I will take my own path."

You grinned and Endeavor's eyes went to you, "Strange, I'm glad you took my offer. You fought very well in the festival. That quirk of yours is a wonder within itself."

"Thank you!" You slightly bowed your head.

"Creating a powerful offspring with both your quirks-"

"No." You and Todoroki said in unison.

You looked at the flame man, "To be honest I think we both came here because your a capable hero and we hope to learn from this experience! Not-"

'For you to play matchmaker.' Lottie finished.

"Well then you should both get ready."


Endeavor crossed his arms walking towards the door, "If this incident follows precedent, then the hero killer will appear in Hosu City again. We will go to Hosu for a time on a business trip and work there." He opened the door.
"Contact Hosu City immediately!" He called out.
A group yelled in unison,"Yes sir!"

You both stood there for a moment, "Y/n I'm sorry about tha-" Todoroki stopped when he looked at you.

You frowned,"The hero killer...huh? He's killed 17 pros and injured 24..being an arrogant hero or not, they still save people."


You shook your head from your vocal thoughts and gave him a small smile, "Maybe we'll bump into Iida! His internship is there."
Todoroki only nodded and you both went out to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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