Chapter 9

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*Early morning*

Emily woke up to the light shining through the curtains in her hotel room, she turned over to see if Elle was still there and to her surprise she was,she was sound asleep.

Emily quietly stood up and walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Elle-I thought you left.

Elle stood at the door way of the hotel bathroom looking at Emily while she rinsed out her mouth.

Emily-damn Elle you sure know how to walk up on someone don't you, and why would you think I would leave.

Elle-i don't know I just thought maybe you were still mad about what happened last night between us.

Emily- well Elle what did happen between us.

Elle-Emily I don't want to get into this right.

Elle entered the bathroom where Emily was standing, she stood in front of Emily staring into her eyes.

Elle- Emily whatever happened last night, just know I don't regret it and me walking back into the hotel room besides going to Christopher was probably a mistake cause now I have to deal with him but in that moment it felt right.

Emily grabbed elles waist to pull her closer and she put one hand on her face, she slowly kissed her softly so she felt every bit of it.

Emily- Elle I promise you, while I'm around Christopher will not hurt you ever again okay.

Elle nodded her head cause she new Emily wasn't going to be around long she wanted to say that but Emily is good at reading minds even though she doesn't have super powers to do that.

Emily- I know you think I'm not going to be around long but as long as you want me in your life imma fight for you and I don't know what we are but I feel something Elle, I can treat you way better than Christopher and I wish you will just come back with me to my hometown.

Elle-Emily I can't.

Emily-why Elle why can't you.

Elle-because I'm a criminal in that state ok I'm running from the cops why do you think we don't stay in one place you know the BAU I use to work for them and I got out of hand and shot someone who almost killed me and he died I lied and said it was self defense but hotch new it wasn't so he let me go with a warning but I screwed up like always.

Emily- you don't always screw up yeah sometimes but that's normal we are human beings Elle-

Before Emily could say anything more she got a phone call from Christopher.

Elle- I have to go he says it's an emergency I'm sorry Emily.

Emily- wait Elle-

The hotel door shut and Elle was gone

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