Chapter 2

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Elle and Emily sat down and started to play, Emily was all about winning big so she rolled the dice on the table hoping for the best.

(30 minutes later)

You need a 8 to win the man said.

Emily shaked the dice in her hands hoping for the best.

"A 6 sorry better luck next time" the same man said.

Fuck Emily mumbled under her breath guess she has to walk to Elles room with her.

Emily turned around with a grinning Elle. "This way" Elle said leading Emily into the elevator.

Elle pressed number 9 which was her floor and the elevator started to move.

"So why am I going to your hotel room again" Emily said while letting out a laugh. "Because you lost a bet" Elle said looking straight still. "Ok but what are we gonna do". "Well you are going to meet someone".

Emily was scared why did elle want her to meet someone like they just meet not even 3 and a half hours ago.

————————hotel room 818————————

Elle slide her card into the door to open it, her and Emily walked in, Elle first. The hotel room was big like really big, Emily was amazed. They walked to the living where sat 1 man on the couch and two other man that looked like body guards on each side of the couch.

Ahhhh Elle the British man said sitting up and pecking her on the lips.

Hey baby Elle responded.

Emily said something in her brain hoping The team got what Elle and the man said and got the kiss to.

"Elle where's your manners, hi I'm Christopher". The British man said while holding his hand out.

Emily took it and told him her name. "So what brings you here". He asked Emily.

Elle decided to answer his question instead "she's really good a gambling and I thought maybe you would like to see how she does tomorrow".

"Ahhhh is that so well ok then it's a triple date, elle will walk you back to your room but first I need to have a word with her".

They walked around the corner to what seems like a kitchen he pushed her against the wall with his hand on her throat I could understand what he was saying since he wasn't that far away.

"When I ask someone a question you let them answer understood, she can be a cop for all we know and I will end up in jail now do you want that, no one will be here for you just like your team wasn't now straighten up and take her to her room and be back here". Elle nodded in agreement.

Damn temper Emily thought to herself but what does she mean by her team left her could he be taking about the BAU what exactly happened with her and them.

"Let's go" Elle told Emily knocking her out of her thoughts.

"Um yeah let's go"

—————————In the elevator———————

Emily was on the 14th floor, 5 floors about Elle she wanted to ask if she was ok but was nervous about how she would take it but knowing Emily she had to know.

"You ok Elle"

"Um yeah why" she smiled a little but was fake.

"You just seem off you was happy now your quiet" Emily giggled a little.

"Yeah I'm good just thinking lol"

"Your um boyfriend has a temper you know"Emily said seriously but not to serious.

Elle looked at Emily in a weird way but her eyes was soft. "Umm yeah kinda but nothing I can't handle I been through worst trust me and he's all I got he loves me just don't show it all the time".

Ding the elevator bell went off before Emily could say anything back.

Well this is my floor Emily smiled waking out of the elevator, I will walk with you to your room Elle protested, um yeah sure Emily just smiled but she knew why Elle wanted to walk with her because she didn't want to get back to that lunatic.


"Well this is it" Emily smiled she slid her key card in her door and her door opened. Night Elle I will see you tomorrow Emily turner around facing Elle.

"Umm wait Emily, before you go you said Christopher was my boyfriend well he isn't we are just friend with ummm.... benefits you can say".

"Well Elle friends with benefits or not it doesn't give him the right to choke you and leave a red hand mark on you and you say he loves you but love... love Elle is someone who will keep you safe not put harm to you" .Emily looked at her concerned.

"Umm yeah well I will..I will see you tomorrow Emily I have to get back to Christopher, and Emily he does love me just doesn't know how to show it".

With that Elle walked off and got in the elevator.

Emily shut her door and her brain was going into circles she hasn't even known Elle for a day not even 12 hours and they already talked about deep stuff this is good maybe tomorrow night we can get into more things.

I GOT ADDICTED TO A LOOSING GAMEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora