Chapter 1: Not In L'Manberg Anymore

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*I don't know just a random screenshot from a Ranboo stream*

With Karl

Karl walks around the in-between he had just gotten back from a medieval time period where he was a cameraman filming the people fighting in a pit. He sighs "now time to head back" he heads to the middle of the room "hold on Karl" a voice says he looks around in shock and confusion "you are needed in another universe but for this mission, you will need help so I have randomly selected some people to help you" the voice explains soon Karl is floating in the air as his book fly's over to him he sighs again "oh honk" a flash of green and purple fill the room and Karl vanishes(but when the world needed him most he vanished🤣)

With Tommy
Tommy wakes up surrounded by very tall pine trees. He picks himself up off the ground to a standing position as he looks around the forest "what the frick" Tommy was shocked "heck" he sighs very frustratedly "okay so I can't cuss for some reason and I have no idea where I am....great". He walks farther into the forest as he realized that he was now lost. 'Now how do I get back home?' he thinks to himself as he stops in his tracks once again searching the area when suddenly a bush shakes behind him. Tommy quickly turns to the bush ready to attack anything that might try and hurt him. Something small and pink runs out of the bush quickly clinging to the boy "Michael?" He questions the small piglin as he lets go backing up a bit. Tommy crouches down to him "hey Michael your okay I'm here" he assures him as he pulls Michael in for a hug. Michael clings onto Tommy as he picks him up "I'll keep you safe till we find your dads" he whispers to him. Tommy gets up as he holds onto Michael and they start walking through the forest again. About an hour later he ended up bumping into Technoblade and Karl.

With Ghostbur

He flies around a car dump looking for his friends. After a while, he decides to sit on one of the cars "I'm never going to find them" he sighs taking some blue out of his pocket. "Dude I'm telling you boys are so overrated" he gasps hearing the voices get closer to him. Ghostbur quickly hides behind a car "yeah but he was so cute!" a girl shouts. Ghostbur sees two girls one with a shooting star sweater and one with a red flannel "so why are we here again Wendy?" the younger one asks "well-" a loud crash interrupted her. They both look over to see a male with gray skin Ghostbur gasps and hides behind the car again "oh no wait we're not gonna hurt you!" the younger one yells. Ghostbur peeks his head out from behind the car blinking "h-hello" his voice echoes "hello I'm Mabel, this is Wendy" Mabel smiles "nice to meet you dude" Wendy greets "I'm Ghostbur".

With Philza, Tubbo and Ranboo

Phil flaps his wings getting the leaves and dirt off them. Tubbo spits out dirt that had gotten in his mouth "AH! ew Phil you got dirt in my mouth!" Tubbo shouts and soon trips over a rock "oof". Ranboo looks around for Michael "Michael!" he shouts starting to worry more. Ranboo starts panicking as he leans against a tree as he lets out an enderman screech. Static fills the air "Ranboo!" Tubbo and Phil run over to him "hey it's okay mate we'll find him" Phil assures him putting his hand on Ranboo's shoulder "yeah we'll find him" Tubbo agrees to try to stay positive but that wasn't easy when his son was missing. "AH! who are you guy?!" a younger boy in a navy blue vest yells soon after a man in a suit and fez(his hat)shows up."Woah, stay the heck away from my kid you monsters!" Ranboo was terrified of the new people "ph-phil everything is too loud" he whispers putting his hands up to his ears "you take that back they are not monsters!" Tubbo hissed "look kid I just call em as I see em" The older man states "Grunkle Stan that's enough I only shouted cause I was surprised!" The boy shouts. "all of you shut it!" Phil yells causing all of them to go silent. Phil turns his attention back to Ranboo "breathe mate everything is fine" he comforts, Tubbo quickly makes his way over. Ranboo's breathing starts getting back on track. Stan rolls his eyes and walks off while the boy walks closer "sorry about that" he apologized "it's fine, you meant no harm" Ranboo explains opening his eyes "whoa your eyes look amazing" "please don't make eye contact with me it makes me unconformable" Ranboo quickly states "right! sorry, I'm Dipper the guy you met earlier was my uncle" Dipper added. "I'm Ranboo, This is Phil and my husband(platonic) Tubbo" He introduced Dipper was a bit confused "wait how old are you guys!?.....if you don't mind me asking that is!" he stutters. "Me and Tubbo are 17 and Phil is-" "31" Phil interrupts Tubbo laughs knowing what Ranboo was gonna do. "that was rude" he mumbled "you were gonna call me old don't deny it!" he jokingly yells at him Dipper laughs. "anyway where are you guys from?" he asks

With Tommy, Karl and Technoblade

"We've been walking for hours now" Tommy complained as he held Michael Karl looked around as he opened his book 'Gravity Falls a place where anything weird is possible, The goal is to defeat Bill Cipher and keep him from combining the three books together' Karl flipped through the pages trying to find anything on Bill. Techno rolls his eyes as Tommy complains 'when the in-between sent me help I didn't think it meant my friends' Karl thinks to himself. "what are you kids doing out in the middle of the woods?" a man in a trench coat asks "First off we could ask you the same question second the only kids here are Tommy and Michael " Techno says pointing to them "hey F off man!" Tommy had found a way around not being able to cuss let's just say he had a fit earlier about it. Karl steps over to the man "actually we have no idea how we got here" which wasn't a complete lie Karl knew how they got there while the others did not. "Say have any of you seen a yellow triangle around here?" The man asks Karl glances back at his book in shock "no" Tommy annoyingly answered rolling his eyes "I'm Ford" the man introduced "I'm Karl and the one with the blond hair is Tommy the one in the pig mask is Technoblade and the child Tommy's holding is Michael" Ford was a bit curious about their names and why whey looked weird but had no time and runs off. "well then" Tommy mumbled 'why is he looking for Bill Cipher, I'll have to keep an eye on him' "let continu-....woah". They walk towards Tommy "Tommy what the-......oh, well Theseus I don't think we're in L'Manberg anymore".

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