Chapter 6: Imprisoned

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Tubbo's POV (first person)

Technoblade and the other had come back with Ranboo very much hurt it hurt me to see Ranboo in pain. After they fixed him up me and Michael sat beside him hoping he was okay about five minutes later Ford and Stan walk towards us. "Stay the hell away from my family" I mumbled loud enough for them to hear "look I just came to say I'm-" "you're sorry?.......yeah no I don't accept it you basically called my son and my husband (platonic) monsters!" I looked back at Ranboo with a saddened expression "so leave me and my family alone that includes my friends we'll find our own way home" Michael cuddle my arm slowly falling asleep. Ford and Stan walk away from the SMP members to talk about a plan while I sit beside Ranboo and Michael suddenly I hear rustling from the bushes. I stood up ready to protect Ranboo and Michael just then out of the forest is "Tommy!?" I looked at him in shock he looked exhausted and out of it. My shout must have got the attention of the others cause they came running over "Tommy!? What happened" Ghostbur asks frantically it was then that I noticed Karl wasn't with him "Bill, he has Karl" Tommy leaned against me he could barely stand. Everyone gasps

Karl's POV:

I wake up in some weird building wouldn't be the first time though. I looked around but when I tried to move I realized I was chained to the floor "Hello?!" I shouted when a creepy echoed laugh appeared out of nowhere "so your finally awake" Bill says flying over to me. I tried moving but of course it didn't work "you're not human, are you?" he says "well human, but you have powers like a time traveler that how you and your friends ended up here". Bill makes four books appear in front of him "my Journal!" I shouted Bill laughed "of course kid this book has the knowledge for me to be able to take over everything, Including your world" My eyes widened I needed to get out of here before he can do any damage. "Bill you can't do this those are innocent people!" I shouted to him as he disappeared I sighed out of anger for everything I'm angry at Bill, and I'm angry at myself for letting this happen "no there's too much at stake to dwell on this" I stated to myself as I glanced around the room. Then I spotted a book labeled Journal #2 on a near by table sadly I couldn't reach it. "shoot I need-" "trying to escape already Karl?" A voice asks I knew exactly who it belonged to "Dream?" I questioned looking over "well well well, Surprised you haven't figured a way out of this dimension yet" he laughed he walked over to the table and grabbed the journal "better take this with me, wouldn't want you escaping now would we?" he smirked leaving the room.

(Hello everyone! I know I've been gone for a while on this book but here is a new chapter not back on schedule just yet though still trying to work though some things IRL)

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