Chapter 7: High Tensions

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(this is the second to last chapter and will be a short chapter)

Karl's POV(third person):

     Karl sat in the cage for what seemed like hours trying to figure out a way to escape, after all it was his time traveling that got his friends into this mess. He wanted to get back to Kinoko kingdom he wanted to see his husbands again, to see their faces. It had been almost two months since they appeared in Gravity falls and still had no way back to their universe. Karl feels something fall down his face, tears he didn't even realize he was crying. "I have to get out of here" he mumbled looking around for anything he could use when suddenly Bill and Ford teleported into the room "My old friend I believe you've met Karl, he's a time traveler" Bill stated Ford looked over at Karl in what looked to be betrayal "why wouldn't you tell us this you could have zapped you and you're friends out of here at any time!" He shouted. Karl had enough "it's not the same as the time travelers from your universe I can't control where and when I go, and up until now I didn't even know other people could be pulled in with me I don't control my powers it pulls me to whenever people need help!" Karl yelled. Bill looked amused "finally cracked, good" a voice says Karl turns to see Dream, Bill snaps his fingers and turns Ford into gold "No!" Dream walked over to Karl "just in time we're about to start". The cage started floating off the ground along with Ford, if Karl could get his hands on his time travel journal then he could get rid of Bill. Dream walked away laughing like a maniac, Karl sat against the bars "Sapnap, Quackity.....what do I do?" he mumbled putting his hands to his face.

Ranboo's POV(Third person):

     Ranboo had woken up a few minutes ago and heard the news. Everyone was on edge with Tommy out of commission, Karl captured and Ford who knows where "we have to do something we can't just stand here" Dipper stated obviously frustrated. "what the hell are we supposed to do!?" Tubbo said angrily replying to Dipper who was a bit taken aback by Tubbo's outburst. Ranboo sat down beside Tubbo and held his hands "Bee you need to calm down" Ranboo says calmly. Tubbo stormed off with Micheal "Bee" Ranboo chased after him.

* I'd like to point out that I just realized that Sam isn't in this book and I have no idea why I said he was*

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