Chapter 5: Kidnapped

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WithTommy and Karl:

Tommy walked with around the forest of Gravity Falls with Karl "so Karl what are we doing out here?" He asks "well just seeing if we can find a way to get back home" he answered. The two walk around the forest just wandering Tommy tripped over rocks a couple times after not watching where he was going. After a few hours of walking they found nothing "Ugh! we've been walking for ages" Tommy exclaims sitting on a rock "I know....but we have to keep looking" Karl explains hiding the real reason they were out there. Tommy yawns being tired since he hadn't been getting much sleep as of lately "so what exactly are we looking for?" Tommy questions Karl "we'll we are looking for.......I don't exactly know" he states which wasn't a complete lie Karl had no clue what to look for and his journal was no help "Maybe we should just head back" Karl suggested "I agree Tommy yawns Karl pulls him up "you really need to get more sleep man"Tommy stands up not saying anything as he was way to tired to. They both start walking heading back Karl was checking his book when he heard a loud thump behind him he quickly turns to see Tommy passed out on the ground "Tommy!" Karl shouts and runs to him shaking him trying to wake him up. Suddenly an echoy laugh can be heard from behind him "well hello there" Bill says floating around Karl and Tommy "you're Bill aren't you?" Karl stares at him "well geez it seem you already know who I am oh well I can still use you" Bill floats closer to Karl "I know you're a time traveler Karl" he states Karl backs away from Bill. Tommy starts waking up "now.......LETS GO" Bill turns dark red and lifts up Karl "No! let me go" Tommy weakly gets up soon getting dizzy "Karl!" he shouts stumbling Bill disappeared in red flames this time Tommy was terrified he had no way to get back to the others and he was all alone. Despite being extremely tired and weak Tommy books it in a straight line in what he hoped was the way to the others.

*sorry the chapter is so short longer chapter next chapter *

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