Chapter 4: Dream Demons

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With Tubbo, Michael, Ford, Philza and Stan
     A few days had gone by but no sign of anyway to get back home. Michael slept on Tubbo's lap as Philza, Ford and Stan talk about what might work. Tubbo sighs as he listened to them talk he really missed home and was hoping to get back soon. Michael started lightly squealing moving around Tubbo sadly looked down at the zombie piglin as tears went down Michael's cheek "hey Micheal it's alright" Tubbo comforted petting his head "hey could you keep your kid down we're trying to talk" Stan says Tubbo rolled his eyes "well I'm sorry that, that's a normal child reaction to a nightmare" Tubbo hissed at him already on edge about these people. "Just leave them alone so we can get back to our discussion" Philza states to Stan trying to keep everything calm"well I can't think with that thing crying" Tubbo was pissed now "thing? Thing?! I'm sorry but this thing happens to be my son so how about you fuck off and leave him alone!" Philza was very mad and surprised he had never seen Tubbo get this angry before. Tubbo looked down when he felt a tug on his sleeve "hey Micheal it's okay" he smiled and then looked back up "I'll be outside Phil" he says standing up and leaving. Phil also stands up "this discussion is over we'll find our own way back home" he spreads his wings and then leaves the house as well.

With Wendy, Ghostbur, Mabel, Dipper, Ranboo and Technoblade

Ranboo's POV

      We were all down by the beach talking and having fun. I stood there nervously looking around "hey um you alright?" a voice said from behind me startling me a bit I turned to see Techno "whoa relax its just me....I um saw you looked kinda uncomfortable so I wanted to see if you were okay...I guess" I was shocked the blade wanted to know if I was alright "I....not really....It might sound dumb but the water is making me uncomfortable" Techno had the same expressionless face "that's not dumb Ranboo you're an enderman water can hurt you and can kill you being afraid of it is rational" I laughed a bit embarrassed "I guess your right" Technoblade hums and walks off. I looked around to see Mabel and Dipper were both talking to Wendy and Ghostbur while Technoblade stood off by himself. Suddenly a strong wind hits us then yellow fire appears I was terrified. "Bill" I hear Dipper mumble I quickly make my way to the group "well hello Gravity falls!" a very echoed voice that I assumed was Bill shouts "I'm back~" Technoblade stood in an attack position. Then a yellow triangle appears "Bill!" the twins shout "pine tree, shooting star missed me?" "no one missed you Bill!" Mable shouts Bill rolls his eye and then noticed the rest of us "oh new friends I see" Ghostbur looked terrified while Techno glared at Bill I on the other hand was trying to avoid being hit by water from the lake as it splashed the shore. "Well Pine tree, Shooting star I made a new friend as well" Bill snapped his fingers causing green flames to rise form the floor. I had a very bad feeling about this, Then from the flame stepped "Dream!?" I shout backing up a bit "wait you know that guy!?" Dipper yelled in confusion "yeah, Dream's for the most part unkillable so we had to lock him away in prison"Ranboo explained as he gets a few water burns on his legs from the water splashing. "Now you can either hand over the books or we can kill all of you and then take the books" Bill states Dipper stepped forward "nice try Bill but we're not handing over these books!" Bill looked angry "fine guess we'll do this the hard way" he signaled for Dream to attack. Everyone ran in a different direction as Dream used power that I assumed was Bill's to summon these demon like creatures with smiley faces. I saw Technoblade grab a piece of drift wood and use as a weapon while the others found similar item's I how ever had nothing near me I could use. Bill started laughing like a psycho as we we're all surrounded fighting the demons. Everything seemed to be under control for the most part but the demon's were not backing down. Suddenly I'm tackled by something causing me to fall into the water but before I do I let out and enderman screech.

Technoblades POV

     We all had been surrounded by these Dream demon's when suddenly a loud enderman screech caught my attention. I look over just in time to see Ranboo be tackled into the water by one of the demon's. "Ranboo!" I shout running over to the water "Ghostbur handle things up here I'm going after him!" I shout. I quickly take my cape and crow off throwing them to the side and jump into the water and swam around looking for him. Suddenly I see a black and white hair male at the bottom of the lake as the demon slashed at him. I quickly swam towards him and shove the demon off him. Ranboo's skin was sizzling from the contact with the water I grab his hand and start swimming up as I start losing breath. My vision started getting blurry 'no! I have to get Ranboo out of here'. I break to the surface of the water and pull Ranboo up "Ghostbur!" I shouted getting everyone's attention "Techno, Ranboo!" He comes running over to help me. Ghostbur's hands started melting but Ghostbur didn't seem to care we pulled Ranboo to shore and pumped his chest. He quickly sits up gagging as he coughs up water Ranboo winced at the pain from the scars and burns now all over his body. "We need to get him back to the mystery shack!" Mabel shouts and we all agree I gently pick Ranboo up bridal style. I noticed his eyes started to slowly closed as we ran "hey, no no no keep your eyes open kid" I say to him as we neared the shack. I saw Phil standing outside arguing with Stan and Ford "Phil!" I yell getting his attention "holy shit" he noticed Ranboo and quickly runs over to us. "Ranboo!" Tubbo runs over to me with Micheal "what happened!?" Ford and Stan watched from a far. Dipper and Mabel explain what happened while me and Phil dry off and patch up Ranboo. "Dream's here" Ghostbur says to the others "what!?" Tubbo exclaims "I thought he was in prison" "well turns out he got teleported here with us" I state as I looked down at Ranboo who's scars were all a-crossed his body.

*the next chapter will be out tonight I had no internet yesterday so it will be posted tonight*

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