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"Hey, you wanna group with us?"

It was the popular kids? I kinda guessed that the teacher would just put me in a random group, not that someone would actually invite me to do this project with them.

Chizome-"Um, sure."

I said this quietly and it's seems that they heard me as they sat down next to me around the desk.

T-"Alright class, this project will be on anything you want as long as you all agree on it and work together. You can use the last fifteen minutes of class to do this."

The three popular kids were talking about stuff and thinking of a couple ideas,

C-"Hey, what a-about the witches hut?"

??-"The what?"

C-"T-The witches hut, it's a pretty cool place."

I was nervous but I had talked to them about the old witches hut in the forest.

C-"I'm pretty sure it actually was a home to witches in the early 1600's but they were executed, it became a historical place and gift shop in the mid 1900's and closed in the late 1900's."

??-"Whoa, how do you know all that?"

A shorter woman with slightly tanned skin and long blonde hair said.

C-"I went there."

Blonde Girl-"What-"

C-"Yea I think that it's perfect for the project, a-and there's a ton of information to gather there"

I said all of this pretty unenthusiastically as they listened to me talk about the hut for a little bit. As I soon got to the end of my explanation about some of the history and other things about the gift shop they changed the conversation and talked the 7 remaining minutes. And yes I have a great sense of time since there was no working clock and I couldn't pull out my phone.


After that class I had my history class which was my favorite because the teacher was super chill. Then I had lunch and went up to the roof, luckily no-one was there since I didn't feel like socializing too much today. I put my headphones on and stared listening to music while I took a bag of chips that I purchased and just relaxed for a little bit. I stared out into the city line feeling relaxed and started to birdwatch as I listened to my music, it was quiet though so that I could hear the bell when it rung. Suddenly I heard a-

??-"Hey! So you hang out here too?"

The Curse: A Bloodied PastWhere stories live. Discover now