Chapter 9

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As the sun started to rise I had woken. I was about to get up to get ready for classes but then remembered it's Saturday, and I refuse to get up early. I snuggled closer to something warm. I assumed it was Addy. I laid there trying to sleep but ultimately failed. I opened my eyes and sat up.

" Fred you're wifey as awoken." George said smiling. My face turned beet red. I hid my face in the blankets. I don't know what I said but I said something embarrassing.

" Oi wifey when did I become you hubby."

" Freddie, Georgie, stooooop please. I'm sorry for whatever I said last night." They laughed extremely loud.

" Fred, George, shut up I'm trying to sleep!" someone exclaimed. While Fred and George talk, I jump on top of Fred and curl up in a ball.

" Oi what are you doing Ash!" ( A/N: ok real quick I'm going to explain something bc i don't know if I'll explain it later on or not. Fred George and Asher meet when Fred and George were pulling a prank on Filch. While Filch is chasing Fred and George, Asher pulls them into Ravenclaw tower and Filch doesn't see so Fred and George get away. After that they became very close over a few weeks. And the reason Asher isn't surprised to be in there is because he doesn't actually sleep in his room with Addy too much; he tends to find little hiddy spots to read, draw, and work on homework. Fred and George know this so they walk around looking for him and if they don't find him they head off to bed but if they do find him they take Asher back to their room. When that happens Asher ends up sleeping with Fred most of the time. But when he doesn't it's bc they put him with Harry, bc Harry is up at these late hours.) 

" I'm going back to bed on you for being mean earlier." Fred laughs.

After a while we head down for breakfast. I'm wearing one of Fred's shirts and a pair of Ron's pants. Which I plan on giving back later today. I sit down with Gryffindors. We all eat and make jokes and just have a good time in general. 

I walk into the library to work on homework. I sat down and proceeded to work on my astrology essay. I look at my notes to see what the topic is about. Great, it's about dreams. Of course it couldn't be something normal. I say out loud and louder then I should have. The librarian gave me a death glare. I continued writing, and I finished it after an hour, I think it was an hour. I start to think over my dreams. It was so weird my dreams are like memories but those aren't my memories they can't be none of these have my parents or Addy. What if you-know-who was right. What if Voldemort really is. UGH! I get up and leave. I run to Professor Qurill's office, leaving my homework behind. I storm into his classroom, he is sitting at his desk grading work. 

"I want to speak to Voldemort now!." Professor Qurill looks frightened but soon regains his composure.

" Alright close the door and make sure you aren't being followed." I do as instructed then sit where I sat last time. Professor Qurill comes over and takes off his turban and turns. 

" Now my son, what do you need." He gives me a chilling smile.

" I want my real memories back." He stops smiling and frowns

" Maybe I'll tell you but first I have to fix this attitude. Unless you fix it now." 

" No! I want answers." He rises and points his wand at me.

" I gave you a chance to fix it yourself but if you don't fix it, I will." All I saw was a red light and then so much pain. My screams echoed around the room. Then I felt nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing. As far as I was concerned there was nothing left anymore.

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