Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

Ash woke before the sun peeked over the horizon. He went about his morning routine before checking his messages. Professor Oak had sent him two, one from the Pokémon League and one from his mother. The first was about the little zubat. He was a little small for her age, but in good health. His wing would heal and be as good as new in a few weeks. The next was about seel nearly destroying the lab as soon as he was let out. The League message was a congratulations on upgrading in rank to full Field Researcher, with a list of all his privileges and duties. His mother's was gushing about how cute and sweet his new pokémon were.

He sat back as he pulled up his pokémon list. With his ability to carry 12 pokémon he registered as 6 as his fighting team, which would lock the others during trainer battles. Ash stood he was burning daylight. He wore his black sweater that he wore the other day over a dark red t-shirt with black jean leggings tucked into his boots. Around his waist was a leather belt that had his 6 poké balls that were not registered as his fighting team and around his thighs were straps that held 3 poké balls each right at his finger tips. His hair was pulled into a braided high pony tail with his bangs framing his face. The last pieces that were added were his bolt choker, was the Ho-oh feather that he attached to his hair so it dangled along the right side of his face and last was a triple looped leather and chain neckless. Dexter was held in the center of his chest on the lowest loop, Pikachu's poké ball on the middle loop and a broken half poké ball on the upper.

With his backpack in place both pikachus jumped on his shoulders. As he left he picked up his special order package. The low light and cool air on his skin felt great. Not many people were up this early so the peaceful silence was broken as soon as he stepped out of the City onto the eastern route.

"Well, well. Look who I found." A voice that made both pikachus to growl. Turned toward the boy from the Cooking center.

"What do you want?"

"You got me in a lot of trouble with my mother." He glared as he stepped away from the tree he was leaning against. "So how about a battle? If I win you'll go on a date with me."

"What do I get if I win?" The boy laughed like that was a joke.

"A date with me."

"Yeah, that isn't a win for me." The boy glared.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone."

"I could just call your mother and you'll leave me alone anyway." Ash turned to walk away.

"Fine double the prize money."

"Ok." Both of their pokédexs beeped. Looking down at Dexter Ash saw that the boy's name was David. David threw out his first pokémon. He grabbed a poké ball off his right thigh.

"Go Pidgeotto." The bird was a little on the small side but healthy.

"Go Sapphire." A deep metallic blue scyther was released from the metallic blue painted luxury ball.

"What?" David pulled up his basic pokédex and scan the scyther. A female voice called out.

"The mantis pokémon, bug/flying type. Scyther is blindingly fast. It's blazing speed enhances the effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms. This pokémon's scythes are so effective, they can slice through thick logs in one wicked stroke. (From the Ruby pokédex found on This scyther is a foot shorter than is normal and is of abnormal coloring."

"Are we going to fight or are you going to stare?" Ash asked watching as Sapphire was bouncing in it's spot with it's wings fluttering in mock flapping. David glared, but Ash's eyes traced over his scyther noticing the imperfections, leftovers form the damage done by beedrills.

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