Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

Ash stretched with a yawn as he waited to be boarded onto the S. S. Anne with Ritchie. Ritchie dozed where he stood in his new teal t-shirt and black jeans; with Sparky asleep on his backpack. Outlaw and Honey were also napping in his own backpack. Covering his mouth he yawned once again he decided to do something while he waited in this line. He started to braid his hair in a French braid. When the line moved he pulled Ritchie forward. Then he moved onto flipping through the store feature on Dexter. Finding nothing of use at this time he moved onto brushing Honey, Outlaw and Sparky.

It was worth it when they boarded. They set up in their rooms; which were next to one another; and having lunch on the deck. Ritchie was bright eyed and bushy tailed after lunch. They explored the accessible areas. Stopping to watch as some of the booths were put up and even helped a vendor or two. The sights of the arenas being set up for different contests and fights made the two excited. There were enough activities planed for every type of trainer to last until they got to Hutber Port.

They were standing on the deck of the S.S. Anne watching the last of the passengers boarded. Ash spotted Misty, Brock, and Ashton rush to get on the ship. Turning to look at Ritchie, “didn’t Uncle say you had to win the first try to get a ticket,” he asked.

“Yes, but maybe she was asked to be a judge as she is registered as a Cerulean gym leader.”

“No a trainer from the islands is doing it.”

“Oh, right. Maybe a busy trainer sold them the tickets?”

“Possible.” Ash tilted his head. Then they heard their names being yelled in fury. A sly smile crossed their faces and turned to see Surge storm onto the dock. They couldn't hear what he was yelling as the ship blared its’ horn; but the people around him were slowly going red in the face. The two just waved at him as the S. S. Anne moved forward. LT. Surge sighed “brats,” as he gave a small smile and waved goodbye.

Ash and Ritchie rushed off with their pikachus on their shoulder to see if anything was open yet. While walking into that area set up for fire type contest they saw three 13 year old boys. The one with a large puffed up Charmander was bragging about it to his two friends.

Ash rolled his eyes as they stepped forward. His fingers brushed Nova's and Charmander’s Luxury ball. Ritchie bounced as he called out Zippo. Zippo was larger than the puffed up one at almost 2’ in height. “Hey you.” The boy said pointing to Ritchie. “I bet my Charmander can beat yours.” The cousins turned to one another and then back to the boy.

“You’re on," both said. The boy looked confused Zippo smirked at the other Charmander. Ash sent out Nova and Charmander; getting jealous looks from the other three boys.

“You have two?” The boy whined a little. He straightened and pointed at them. “It doesn’t matter. You’re still going to lose.” The judge, a top fire trainer from Blain's gym, stepped forward with a chuckle. A large dark red charizard; with a black bow on its right horn; was standing behind him.

“So all you need to do is heat the metal rods as hot as you can and hold it for 10 minutes.” He pointed to the rods. “It’s about heat and endurance. My darling Darla please demonstrate.” The charizard gave a small growl and a nod. The flamethrower was made up of a mix of white and pale blue flames. They could feel the heat rolling from the flames as the metal rod slowly melted. It dripped into the molding tray underneath it. By the time the time was called half of the metal was in the tray. The five kids stared in awe at the feat.

The three were motioned to line up and stood eagerly waiting for the start. Ash stood between Nova and Charmander. Ritchie and Zippo where between Nova and the boy and his charmander. Nova bounced a bit but Charmander leaned on Ash’s leg. Zippo was blowing smoke rings and the other was preening at Nova. At the judge’s call the each Charmander released their flamethrowers and hitting their targets.

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