Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

Ash made his way through a thick forest. He had sent all his pokémon to the lab except Pikachu, Honey, Pidgeotto, Spore, Obsidian and Jade. Pidgeotto soared overhead with obsidian in her talons. The graveler was laughing the whole time while gripping her legs. Spore was in his arms with Jade holding his leg and riding his foot. Both pikachus where running around him playing agility tag. A thick fog seemed to roll in causing Honey and Pikachu to jump on his shoulder. Jade blinked now fully awakened by the chilly moisture.

He slowed down as a strange sound seemed to echo in the fog. As he moved closer to the sound he noticed a light and a few voices. The questions being asked made him roll his eyes. Ash walked up on the sight of the three older teens surrounding a younger preteen on a treadmill.

“At what level does pidgey evolve,” the one with the lantern asked.

“Level 18.”

“What does it evolve into,” The one by the controls asked.


“What does pidgeotto evolve into,” the last asked as he put his foot on the treadmill casing.

“I don’t know.”

“Pathetic.” The one by the controls sneered as he turned up the speed.

“Ahem.” Ash cleared his throat. “You know, I don’t think this is helping?”

“Who are you?”

“Most people call me Ash.”

“Well, Ash. You are on private school property.”

“It isn’t clearly posted or I wouldn’t have walked this close to the school.”

“That doesn’t matter.” Ash blinked at them, as they moved to surround him. “You shouldn’t stick you nose into our business. Can’t you see we are trying to help out our buddy here.”

“Again that is not what it looks like to me.”

“Just leave, you do not go to school here.”

“Why would I? Pokétech is not a very good school. It’s expensive, neglectful, ineffective, fosters lazy attitudes, but it does have a few good programs, I guess.” The four looked at him with wide eyed shock and then they got pissed.

“Take it back, or else.”

“’Or else.’ Or else what? I could beat you right here and right now.”

“Barbaric, as if we would sink to such a level.”

“Wait, what?” blinking in confusion as he watched the three turn to leave. “Well. You’ll never graduate if you think battling is barbaric.” He called after them. Ash had to bite his lip to keep from laughing as the seemed to stumble away. “What a ridiculous outlook for a trainer to have,” shacking his head.

“Why did you do that?”

“I don’t like seeing anyone bullied.”

“They weren’t bullying me, they’re my friends.” The boy said trying to sound sure of that ‘fact.’ “They were just trying to help.”

“If those were your friends, who needs enemies.” Ash groaned as he heard Misty’s voice, as she stepped out of the fog.

“Are you following me?”

“No, I’m looking for a boy who destroyed my bike.”

So you are following me. Ash had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Brock came out of the slow clearing fog.

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