Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

Sometime later he was on the road with Nova, Charmander and Outlaw playing tag. Ash was dressed the same as he was in the center with his hiking boots replacing the sandals. A crack was all he heard before the ground collapsed under his feet. Crying out as his wounds hit the ground hard. His three pokémon landed beside him. Outlaw was suddenly grabbed only for Nova and Charmander to grab onto the metal arm that was attached to the glass sphere.

“Well, well look what we have here.” Jessie and James peered over the edge as meowth was left to pull the sphere up.

“Go Breeze.” A beautiful silver butterfree with teal eyes and black wings with silver lined appeared looking pissed. “Sleep powder,” the powder was fast acting and sent them to sleep. Charmander melted the bottom of the glass sphere as Nova held it up. Outlaw was clinging to the top half to not get burned. With the hole cut, it was flipped over and Outlaw was lifted out by Breeze’s psychic. Ash laid there to get the pain under control. When he came back around he climbed out of the hole.

Ash sighed as he lifted his shirt to see his side. It was still clean so it wasn’t bleeding. Dropping his shirt he took off his jacket to cheek his arm. All was good. Now he turned to the pit. This could hurt someone. “Go Obsidian.” The graveler cheered as he was released. “I need you fill in that pit.” Obsidian gain a serious look. He filled it in with chunks of rock and dirt, packed it down. While he was doing that Ash was foraging for fresh berries and found a few apple trees. Breeze and Outlaw dropped apples to him as Nova and Charmander plundered the berry bushes.

Ash turned to Obsidian to give him an apple when he saw him get blasted with a water gun. Frowning in confusion he turned his head to see a young hiker, around 13, greedily staring at the graveler. A seel was by his feet. “What are you doing?” Obsidian bounced in excitement.

“I am going to catch that graveler.” Obsidian blinked and looked around.

“You do know he is mine.”

“No, I,” the boy pointed at himself, “saw him first.”

“Obsidian charge beam.” Obsidian started to spin his arms in circles. Before he clapped his smaller arms sending the beam into the seel. The seel was knocked out.

“What?” the boy screamed.

“Obsidian is mine and that attack was from his father.” Obsidian was rocking back and forth with a giant smile. Breeze landed on his head. “He finally can do the move more consistently.” Outlaw climbed up his left arm to sit on his shoulder. Nova and Charmander leaned against his legs. Ash was not impressed with the boy so he lead them away. Leaving the unconscious teem Rocket in the bushes; where they collapsed; and the steaming boy.

As Ash walked through the woods when once again the road gave way. He landed smacking the back of his head. Outlaw was pissed and shot lightning at the squirtles that stuck their heads over the edge. Ash was dizzy but there was no blood. “Have you lost your mind? You could have seriously hurt someone.” Pulling him self to his feet he glared up at the edge. “Go pidgeotto.” The bird was able to lift him out easily. Outlaw slammed his tail into two of the squirtles the fourth shot a stream of bubbles at him.

“Chu.” He ducked and used a tail whip followed by a rain dance. The two squirtles that were standing smirked at him before their vision went white as a thunder came crashing down on them. Outlaw was grinning like mad when Pidgeotto started to peck his head. “Pika, Pika.”

“Pid. Pidg.” She chewed him out for messing up her feathers. Ash moved forward and dragged the four squirtles to the water and began patching them up much to Outlaw's annoyance. Officer Jenny showed up not to long after.

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