Damn It Kokichi

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Himiko and Kokichi went back to the shelter and slept, it was quite uncomfortable since the shelter could any fit one person but they made it work anyway.

The next morning arrived and Himiko already woke up in excitement, she can finally go home back to all her friends! She woke kokichi up. "Do we have to go this early?" Kokichi asked rubbing his eyes. "Of course! I wanna  go back home" Himiko said thinking about all her friends. "Ok then" Kokichi said. For some reason himiko's happiness made kokichi feel happy. While kokichi was in deep thought about this, himiko grabbed him by the hand and walked into the forest. "So where is thec path to my home?" Himiko said looking around. The forest looked really pretty when it was morning. Himiko look at kokichi waiting for his response. Kokichi was bent down looking at the floor. "hey kokichi! I asked you a question!" There was silence for a moment. "So uh...bad news.. um I left breadcrumbs from your bread to navigate my way to the kingdom and uh.... I can't seem to... uh... find them.." Kokichi said trying to mutter his words out. "you are joking... Right?" Himiko said looking at him in disbelief. "I'm serious.. I don't know where they are now" Kokichi said trying to look around. Himiko went to him and bonked him on the head. "So your telling me you don't know where the kingdom is now?!?" Himiko said angrily. "Ya.." Kokichi said waiting for another bonk on the head by himiko. Himiko said nothing. She sat down and blacked out for a while. "I know I made a careless mistake but we can try to search for the path back home somewhere.." Kokichi said trying to comfort the poor himiko. Himiko looked at him and sighed. "This is your last chance before I get more angry" said himiko. Kokichi picked her up from the floor and started searching for the way back to the kingdom.

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