The Test Of Bravery

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Tenko stopped the two travellers from  going on to the bridge,

"W.. What do you mean we can't past?" Himiko asked confused and worried that this might be a trap. Kokichi held himiko's hand tightly. "You must complete the test of bravery first before you enter this here bridge." Tenko said looking said looking straight at Kokichi "I don't think I trust this degenerate male all that much." Kokichi and Himiko looked at each other. Himiko didn't want to turn back so she nodded in agreement. "Good! Now follow me!" Tenko said going into the trees. "I don't think I trust her Himiko." Kokichi said walking slowly to the trees she went. "Come on Kokichi! It isn't that bad! Beside we need to undo that curse so you can reunite with your family!"

Kokichi and Himiko held hands as they walked behind Tenko,

"So... What is this test?" Kokichi asked. "The test of bravery! You are going on a quest right? So you got to be brave!" Tenko exclaimed excitedly. "But didn't you say you were suppose to guard the bridge or else your master will kill you?" Himiko asked looking back to see if her 'Master' was walking behind them. "Well that's why we got to make this quick!" Tenko said now running. Himiko and Kokichi followed eagerly.

They were finally there at the destination,

"Here it is..." Tenko said in a monotone. The sky now had turn red and black and suddenly they felt sad and gloomy. Tenko's energetic self turned into a droopy and gloomy Tenko. "W.. What Im i f.... feeling r.. right now?" Himiko muttered trying not to sound sad. "This is the feeling of despair." Tenko said in her gloomy attitude "If you can make it too the top of that mountain and take the black crystal out of that cave without feeling despair  and giving up then you past the bravery test." Tenko said looking gloomer and gloomer.

Himiko looked at Kokichi, who barely can stand up,

"K.. Kokichi! K.. K.. Kokichi c.. c.. come stand up please.." Himiko said weakly. She wanted to ask Tenko some more questions but she had already left. "T.. This going to be difficult...were never gonna make it out alive if we're like this." Kokichi said sadly. "N.. No! we can't give in to despair....!" Himiko said picking kokichi up. She was determined to finish this quest that Tenko had given her.

Authors Note: Hello people of the internet! I just wanted to say thank you so much for supporting this fanfic of mine! I really appreciate it! I plan on making new fanfic about danganronpa 2 so I hope you stick around for that, anyways thank you so much, you all are the greatest! Ok bye!

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