Ch. 6 - I feel Like Home

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Tine dragged Sarawat until they reach the Pool, he loses grip on his wrist they both were staring at the moonlight gleaming on the surface of blue water in the pool. Teardrops get collected in Sarawat's eyes making his vision blur as he recalls his uncle's words.

"I didn't expect such behaviour of my uncle, he was always nice to me but today he said all the obligation he did to me." Tears escaped from Sarawat's eyes.

"Time and situation change a person's thoughts and actions, I guess he's an overprotective father." Tine tries to comfort Sarawat.

"I think I deserve this. I never confessed to Rebecca that I love her cause I don't. That girl falls for every second guy she meets, but I got a job cause she requested uncle Perth and told him that I am her boyfriend, it's all my fault, that I didn't refuse it at that time."

"I knew it, I knew it from the first day we met again you lied to her that you didn't check your phone but you were using your phone in the elevator. (signs) forget it." Tine says without looking at Sarawat. They both were stood there silent before, Sarawat called him
"Tine, Why did you said all that to defend me? You even lost your job."

"One day I opened my mouth and said something cause of which I lost you, " Tine said with a pinch of sadness in his voice. "About the job, I have other options. I was by your side as you were the one who broke our friendship and left not me." He continued still not looking at Sarawat trying his best to control his emotions. Whereas Sarawat sheds tears hearing Tine's word. "Anyways, I think we both should stop attending Parties, they are always proved that they are unlucky for us," Tine said to lighten the atmosphere. Sarawat heartily laughs at the statement with tears filled eyes. Tine also starts laughing. Sarawat's eyes went to Tine's face which was glowing due to the reflected light of the moon from the surface water was falling on his face. He can't help but admire his colleague's handsome face, a memory of his first time seeing the guy came back. How he was standing holding the door handle, with a bright smile showing his bunny teeth. Sarawat smiles to himself.

"By the way where are you gonna stay? You don't have your house now." Sarawat's thoughts were interrupted by Tine's question.
"Argh! I don't understand why did he act like a mentally sick person for a small thing" Sarawat said in a frustrated tone.

"Umm, if you are comfortable, you can stay at my place," Tine said. Sarawat thinks for a while a part of him wants to accept the offer immediately but the other part was unsure. After debating with  himself he said, "okay, but on a condition that I'll be paying you rent."

"Fine, I'll accept the rent after you get a new job," Tine said and both of them exchanged a smile.

And again they both were 2gether, a party separated them from each other and another brought them back 2gether. But this time, Tine was caught in the eye of the evil. The evil who can do anything to get what he desires to, the evil knows no limit.

Tine called his driver and ask him to bring a small truck that can carry Sarawat's stuff to his house. After they arrived at Tine's places, he showed Sarawat his apartment.
"There is a maid who is also a cook. I recently bought this place and this place bigger than the PG room." Tine said and Sarawat chuckles as he recalls their PG room.
"Can I see my room," Sarawat asks
Tine leads them upstairs and showed Sarawat his room. Sarawat takes a look at his new room.
"This is your, I hope you like it," Tine said and Sarawat nodded with a smile.
"You can ask the maid to arrange the things for you. Okay?" Sarawat nodded his head "Then I'll go get fresh." Tine says and turns to leave when Sarawat called him "Tine," he turns his head to look at the person who called him, Sarawat was hesitant to say something but the word "Thank you" only managed to come out of his mouth Tine turns his head after showing a middle finger to Sarawat.
Sarawat chuckles 'I feel like home' were the words Sarawat actually wanna say which he repeated in his mind as he looks at the figure walking away. Tin pauses on his way to his room and turns back saying "Tomorrow we'll go to collect the termination letter."

"Hmm, Good night"

"Good Night" Tine went to his room and so as Sarawat.

The next morning both Sarawat Tine got ready. The conversations were limited while they had their breakfast. Tine asked the driver to stay at home as he was gonna drive today. They both got into the car and Tine started driving towards their office.
Suddenly, a luxurious car come across their and Tine applied an urgent break to avoid collision of the cars. He sighs in relief before, cursing the other car's owner "What the fuck! Who the hell is this?" Tine said coming out of the car and Sarawat followed his actions. A man wearing a branded businessman's suit steps out of the luxurious car. It was Ekkarath. The first thing Ekkarath's eyes went to was Tine, who was looking at him with frown eyebrows.

"Mr Ekkarath, right? We met yesterday at the party."
Ekkarath's attention was drawn by Sarawat's question.
"Hmm, I feel sorry for you, Sarawat for whatever happened yesterday, that was really sad," Ekkarath says before turning to Tine "If I am not wrong you are Tine, defence lawyer of Mr Sarawat last night. By the way well said, I like your confidence. But sadly you also lost your job cause of Sarawat I feel bad about it."

"I can't bear anything against Sarawat. And about the job you don't need to worry, we can find another." Tine says with a small smile.

" By the way, I would like to offer you guys a job in my company. My company is more successful than Mr Perth I can give you a better salary too." Ekkarath took out a card from his pocket "this is my card you can directly contact me regard this job offer."

"We'll surely think about it," Sarawat said taking the card from Ekkarath.
"Ahm, Sarawat you lost your house too then where are you staying now?

"I am staying at Tine's place"

Listening to this Ekkarath fingers curled into a tight fist, his nail cuts the skin on his palm as he tightens the fist. Blood oozed out.

"I think we should go now," Tine says.
After thanking and bidding goodbye they got into their car and drive off.

Ekkarath also got in his car 'Argh! Why these two are stick 2gether.' I can't let Sarawat get closer to my Tine'
'Sarawat be ready for my attack, I'll divide you both to rule on Tine. I don't need to strike a punch at you, I can just destroy you with my brilliant mind.' Ekkarath through.

They both reach their office to collect their termination letters from their boss. But before that, they decided to go to the canteen to meet uncle kik. Uncle Kik greeted them with a sad smile "I heard that you guys got fired from staff members, I feel bad for you." He said. Sarawat and Tine just smiled at him as they took the drink they ordered. "Did Mr Perth in his office?" Sarawat asked before taking a sip of his drink.

"You don't know, Mr Perth passed away yesterday."

Sarawat chocked in his drink when he heard what Uncle Kik said. "What! How did that happen?" Tine asked uncle Kik rubbing Sarawat's back.
"A truck hit his car and he died on the spot." 

On the other hand Ekkarath wiping his wounded palm with tissue paper. "What a waste of life Mr Perth, how dare you to slap my beautiful Tine. Rest in peace. Soon you will be mine Tine, You'll be mine at any cost." An evil smirk appears on this face.

To Be Continued...

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