Letters in Red (Garron)

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Garroth had signed up to be penpals with someone random, when the mailman had dropped off the mail in the afternoon, the blonde saw a letter addressed to him, excited, he ran to his room, ignoring his mother's question.

"Wonder who it is..." he thought as he ripped the flap open and took out what was inside, he fished out the paper, seeing that it was some guy named Aaron in Germany.

To Garroth Ro'meave (Seattle, Washington, United States of America)
From Aaron Lycan (Frankfurt, Germany)

Hey Garroth from the United States! I never thought I got a letter when I signed up, how are you? I'll probably get a letter back in a couple weeks or so

Back and forth the two sent letters to each other, from what their favorite artists was to what their dream career would be.

To: Garroth Ro'meave
From: Aaron Lycan

Btw, how do you look like? I hope it's not creepy to ask for a picture of you, but in case if you want to know how I look like, there's a photo of me in the letter!

Garroth reached inside the white envelope and pulled out a picture of his penpal, words couldn't describe how the blonde was feeling.

'Holy Irene! This guy is...is...hot!"

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, as it showed Aaron leaning against a tree, a guitar laid next to him as he was wearing a red hoodie with black pants. Garroth gulped as he imagined those arms around him

"Stop it brain! You're making me have a gay panic!" He set the picture in his wallet as he grabbed a paper from his notebook and began writing back to Aaron.

To Aaron Lycan
From Garroth Ro'meave

I saw the picture you sent, btw, are you seeing anyone? Are you *draws 💅 💁 emoji* just curious, hope I didn't make you uncomfortable!

A week later

To Garroth Ro'meave
From Aaron Lycan

Yes, I'm 💅💁, though my parents don't know so I'm keeping it on the down low until I move out, and as for seeing someone, no, have a crush on me? *drew 😏 emoji*

Though he didn't want to admit it, the blondes crush on the raven haired male was increasing. He was already saving money to go to Europe this summer to see Aaron.

Garroth reached behind him to pull out his notebook, he was surprised to see that there was only one page left, "Guess I'll have to buy another one" He said to himself as he grabbed a pen and began writing, pouring his heart out onto it.


Said male looked up to see his brother standing by the doorway, "Dinners ready, come downstairs" Zane saw his brother set whatever he was doing to the side and stand up.

"Go ahead, I have to do something first" Garroth nodded as he walked down the hallway and down the stairs to join his family, Zane looked aside before going to see what his brother was doing, he scanned the entire page of what Garroth wrote, smirking as he took pictures.

"This will be interesting" He thought as he walked out the room and down to the kitchen where he joined his family.
Y'all want a part 2? Sorry if this chapter seems cringe or something, it's hard to think of new ideas, lol.

Btw, who plays Genshin Impact? Some quests are hard for me that I might need help, along with not defeating the Pyro Regisvine and more.

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