Far Apart (Gaaron)

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Part 2! 😁

Garroth had a nagging feeling that something big was going to happen, he looked around for any clue to see what the catalyst was but he didn't see anything.

"So, Garroth" His dad started, he turned towards his dad, "What're your plans for this summer? Have you tried out for the summer sports program?"

"No, I'm going to Germany to see a boy" the blonde thought in his head, he shrugged, giving a vague answer as to hang out with friends and such. He heard a chuckle across the table, he looked towards to Zane who was covering it up with a cough.

"And you, Zane?" His father asked

"I have something to say" the raven haired male announced

All heads turned towards Zane who stood up, "Mother, Father, as you all know, you think Garroth is a sweet, innocent boy who would never harm a fly..." Garroth's eyes widened, that nagging feeling was right! "But you're all wrong... he's been writing to a guy back and forth from Germany! He's apparently going to see him this July"

And that's when shit hit the fan

Zianna, calm and collected, who would never utter a swear, swore at Zane for outing Garroth. "FUCK YOU, ZANE!"

"You've been writing to someone?"

Garroth had hung his head down in shame as Garte crossed his arms, his eyes narrowed, jaw clenched.

"I don't want you writing to that boy again, am I clear?" Garroth nodded as he muted his father's plans for him this summer. "You'll be spending time with your grandparents in Poland, I'll tell your grandfather about your stay"

"Oh and one more thing" Garroth lifted his head up, meeting his dad's eyes, "Tell your friend that your trip is over"
It was almost midnight, the Ro'meave family had all gone to sleep except for one person. Said person was hunched over his desk, sobbing quietly as to not disturb his parents slumber. Being outed, by his own brother,hurt. He felt mixed emotions that it made his head hurt.

"Dear Aaron," He started as he looked out the window, the full moon lighting up his room as he wrote his letter. "I'm sorry to say this but, we.... can't see each other anymore, I was outed by my brother and I'm being taken to my grandparents farm in Poland for the summer, it was nice writing to you, I felt more happier, words couldn't describe how I felt whenever I got a letter from you but..." Garroth couldn't write anymore as he sobbed once more to the point where he fell asleep.

"For now, I hope you see someone new, make the best memories, Love, Garroth " Aaron read as he scrunched the letter up in his hands, he held it close to his chest before ripping it apart. He buried his face in his hands as he screamed internally, why was the world cruel?


Turning his head towards the doorway stood his sister, the brunette smiled as she told him dinner was ready.

"Mom made your favorite"

Aaron nodded, "I'll be there in a minute" He closed the door in front of her as he sighed, he sat down as he hugged his knees, burying his face into them as he sobbed quietly, his shoulders shaking with each sob.

"No matter the cost, I'll save you, Garroth" He said to himself as he stood up, he was determined to go to Poland and save the blonde.

Maybe a part 3? 🧐

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