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The oh too familiar look of the hospital came to mind as I walked through the door seeing Sam the front desk. She just cant give it a break. I just ignored her and walked to Miguel's room saying Hi to a few nurses along the way. I walked into the room reading all the missed messages on my phone "UGH GO AWAY WHORE" I heard a deep voice yell then laugh. I looked up and saw Miguel with the biggest smile on his face "WHAT THE FUCK YOUR AWAKE" I yelled going up to him and gently hugging him "carmen why didnt you call me" I said not letting go of the now full of life Miguel. "I did I just didnt tell you he was awake because I didnt want you taking out every car on the highway to get here " she said as I let go "You make a good argument" Miguel turned his attention to me " Is this your first time here , and are those my clothes!" my eyes widen when he realized then I laughed " Please Miggy I couldn't get her to leave she's been here for the last month and a half only going home once a week for no longer then 5 hours" Carmen said "jeez you let her spent that much time with me mom . I don't like her" "that hurt" i said responding to his joke. "where is sensei Lawrence" he said and Carmen looked at me " well about that. I cant find him . I looked at his apartment and even went to the dojo couldn't find him" Miguel had a sad look on his face " how the dojo any new students" i smiled and laid next to him "now Miggy you don't need to worry about that right now. You just need to focus on getting out of here" I said Sam walked in and I stood up "ill give you guys some space" i said as me and carmen walked out of the room . Miguel's doctor walked up to us "Miss. Diaz can I speak to you" he said with a sad expression making me gulp " Yes what is it" "im afraid Miguel has lost nerve in his legs . He could be paralyzed" Carmen immediately broke down i hugged her while we cried . Sam walked out of Miguel room and I calmed down more. Carmen walked up to the bathroom and Sam came to me " Can we talk" i really just needed to leave the hospital i could be around Miguel without breaking down and we need to be strong for him so.

" Um yeah let me just go tell Miguel okay?" She nodded and I went to Miguel " Sam wants to talk so I'll be back ok." I said to him grabbing my keys " Definitely can you hand me my phone" he asked i forgot to grab it back out the house not knowing he was awake so i didn't think it mattered " I didn't grab it but i will tell yaya. Here just take mine" I told him and gave him my phone " Password?" He asked " Still the same" i said " Seriously the date where you and Sam got together still" " I don't want to hear it" i told him and left as i heard him laugh a tear fell knowing Miguel will never be the same . Physically and Mentally. I wiped the tear and went to Sam " Where do you want to go" I asked her. " the beach is ten minutes away" I nodded and we went to the beach.

The car ride was wayyyyy awkward the music was playing low as none of us said anything. I grabbed the towels i had from soccer in the back of my car. We got out and I laid the towels down for the both of us " So what did you want to talk bout ?"

" everything that happened" she was facing me as i looked out at the ocean

" you cheated on me with Robby did I do something to hurt you so bad you chose to cheat on me with Robby"

" no it just happened"

" what just happened Sam i want to know"

" Adalyn you are already mad at me as it is"

" your right my blood is boiling right now . So please tell me what the fuck happened between you and him"

" We were practicing in the home dojo one day and we were learning this weird thing were we had to be perfectly in sync I almost fell and he caught me. In the heat of the moment we kissed."

" why didn't you just break up with me Tory said it went on for months . Is that why you were acting weird because you were dating Robby not that u were hanging out with Yasmine again ?"

" I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry about all of it . It was wrong i should have told u but it's over we no longer talk anymore"

" Yeah because he's in juvie for almost killing Miguel what happens when he comes back. Let's say we do get back together. He going to come back are you just going to cheat again"

" no i swear I won't me and him are done for good . I mean it. I just really miss you please can we try again"

" you just can't do that Sam you cheated . I've lost my trust. You have to gain that back. It's not something that i just give out"

" let's go away again . Somewhere fun like we did before"

" Disney is not going to fix our problems Sam"

" Who said it had to be Disney let's spend a few days at SantaMonica pier or yes we can go to Disney or we can even go out of state. I'm sure my mom will say yes"

" where would we go"

" i don't know my parents went back to New Jersey a few days ago. They went to this place called wildwood said it was fun we should go"

" Fine"

I'm sorry i had to throw some of my New Jersey in here . Love you guys . Anyways. Look forward to the next chapter soon .

What do u think about Adalyn giving Sam another chance?

Do you think they should go that far alone ?

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