Chapter 3

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What's done cannot be undone

-William Shakespeare

Chapter 3

"Well that was a good way to get hurt" Siva said when we got back to the house.

"Well you shouldn't have fallen" Jay said.

"You shouldn't have tripped me" Siva snapped back Jay didn't say anything.

"Be ready by 6" Nathan whispered into my ear I nodded and went to my room I looked at my clock it was five so I had a hour to get ready.

I got into the shower which I took a quick shower so it took ten minutes I wrapped my towel around my body and walked into my room where Tom was sitting on my bed.

"Tom why are you in here?" I asked.

"Nathan told me he was taking you on a date and if he hurts you or forces you to have sex with him tell me so I can beat the shit out of him" he said.

"Okay Tom calm down I'm eighteen" I said he hugged my damp body, I was still wrapped in a towel.

"Just be careful" he said. He kissed my forehead and left my room.

I put on some skinny jeans,a black t-shirt,my black vans,and my white and black scarf I dried my hair and straitened it I put on little make up I looked at my clock and it was six.

I heard a knock on my door I opened it and it was Nathan "Ready?" he asked I nodded and he grabbed my hand and we walked out the door and into my car and he was driving.

I felt my phone vibrate I pulled it out and it was Tom.

From:Tom :P

Remember what I said I'm not afraid to beat my mates ass.

To:Tom :P

Okay Mom calm down and where were you when I dated other guys?

From:Tom :P

Not here haha

I rolled my eyes and Nathan looked at me weird "Tom" I said he nodded then laughed.

"How can you handle living with him?" I asked Nathan.

"I don't know how can you be related to him?" He asked I laughed.

We arrived at a restaurant that I haven't been to in forever. We were guided to are table and we ordered are drinks "Want to play Q&A?" Nathan asked.

"Sure" I said.

"What's your favorite movie?" He asked.

"Star Wars" I mumbled.

"You're such a nerd," He said laughing.

"Hey don't hate on the Star Wars!" I exclaimed.

When we finished Nathan took me to a park and we walked hand-n-hand I smiled he smiled too. I felt my phone vibrate I took it out and it was Tom again.

From:Tom :P

So how's the date going?

To:Tom :P

Great know leave me alone so I can enjoy it

Tom can be a complete idiot when he wants to and he can be the caring older brother when he wants to he confuses the crap out of me.

"You okay Jennifer?" Nathan asked.

"Yea I'm fine it's Tom......again" I said he laughed his laugh is so cute and even though I'm on with I think I'm falling for him hard

Beautiful (Nathan Sykes) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now