No Where Else to Go

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As the villainess heard a knock on the door, she was in a nightgown her hair tousled and hadn't showered that day. She answered the door with a scowl. Only for it to fade as she saw her hero... pissed and worried she caught him as he fell into her arms. Gently caressing his cheek and crooning softly, she hissed at her little snakey minions to get a bed ready. Carrying him to the bed she laid him down and cleaned him up. After an hour or so, he woke to find the villainess with a dark look on her face dabbing his wounds. He knew she was thinking about harming who had hurt him.

" Scempra...?" he croaked as the dark look on her face faded. Gently caressing his cheek she spoke softly

" Who done this to you?" she hissed softly but not uncaringly to him.

' I. I can't remember... why... Why do you care anyway?" he could barely speak to was presumed the bruises around his neck.

She grinned darkly, and a bit mad. Someone had royally forked her up in her past before softly whisper hissing " I AM the only one allowed to hurt you, my dear Throsnis~"

He knew deep down, something in there cared for him. But something mentally messed her up.. and he was hell-bound to help fix her. Though first... she was hell-bound to fix him up to the way he was before.

Scempra tossed the towel she had been using to dab his wounds into a basin of water on the night stand. She looks at him in the eyes, her bright green ones meeting his dark violet.

" let me get you some soup.."

Her voice was constantly a soft hiss, though she can inflict tones to make it mad, dark, happy, insane, or caring. right now. it was caring.

The villainess got up from the wounded heroes bedside, looking at one of her many snakey minions. She hissed at the minion as it came to attention, before hissing another order as the minion nodded she look at Throsnis.

" this is Sonya, call on her if you need anything. She will be cleaning your wounds, and tending to you till I get back with food for you.  You truly look horrible. But we will get you fixed up again."

The little minion nodded as she looked up at him. Getting a smaller stool to stand on, she scooted it to the bedside standing on it. Sonya was about 3 foot tall as she looked down now at the near prone figure. Getting the towel her mistress had thrown in the basin of warm water and beginning to dab his wounds.

The slender villianess nodded in contentment at  the way her minion was treating her hero. She turned to walk into the kitchen to fix the soup. She wanted to make sure it was perfect for the hero. Hot, savory, healing,  and filling.

Throsnis turned to the minion looking at him, and dabbing every open sore with warm water. For a snake being , she was a decent looking creature, unlike most minions

" Sonya?"

Throsnis croaked looking at the girl, she looked at him before tilting her head, smiling softly

" Yes Throsnis?"

She responded with an upbeat hiss. She was still young compared to her mistress.

" Why do you stay with Scempra? Why obey her?"

He croaked again. Although talking hurt him, he was curious why she would serve under someone like Scempra.

The young snake being smiled softly remembering the past, a reminiscent look coming into her eyes

" Simple Throsnis. She took me, and all my other siblings in when we had no where to go. We serve her to earn our keep. Though, she is not unkind.  Saving us from a life of caged experiments, we are free to live a life that is fun. She entertains us, buys us games. And most things she steals is for us."

Throsnis looked curiously. Though, his wheels began turning when she said 'caged experiments' ? Was this a throw back or hint to the villianess' past?

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