The Hidden Story

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"... Do, you remeber what your father brought with you guys here from your planet?"

The snake asked softly before the hero as he nodded and replied.

" Well, yes. Genetically modified versions of your earth fruits and vegetables.  Where they will grow with only a cup of water in relatively unfertile soil. To help with the ongoing food shortage. We taught others how we did it. But stressed never to use it on ... living .. things..."

He trailed off looking at her in slight horror. Opening his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

" Yes. My creator took you knowledge and use it on me." She spat at him " messing with my DNA and genetics and mixed then with that of a snake. It hurt like hell, a burning sensation I'm what felt like every bit of my body. "

" i..I... had no idea Scempra. It should have never-"

He was cut off by the Woman's cold voice again.

" do you also remeber the other thing you brought with you?"

" .... Genetic Cloning. But only perfected on Bovine creatures-"

" Yet, he used it on me. Using my snake added DNA to clone the little minions you see. I am sure he has more of thise creatures locked in the lab. And I can't save them. " She cut him off, hating the fact she couldn't save the ones in the lab.

".... I'm... I'm sorry Scempra... I had no clue that you had been through that.  That knowledge should have never been used like that." He said softly rolling his chair over and picking up her hand holding it " I will be here for you Scempra. I understand why you hate my science so much. Why you tried to thwart any efforts I had in advancement. "

".... i.I.. was only 7 Throsnis..he.. he did that to a 7 year old girl.."

The villain looked at him with tears rolling down her cheeks. He looked at her and willed himself to get up again and hugged her close.

".... I won't let ANYONE harm you again my villain. " he had his and on the back of her head as he felt her hug back after a moment. He held her for a good minute as she did not wish to let go. Not having felt a hug like this since her mother. When she let go. He did, sitting back down in the wheelchair. He felt exausted after that.

The slender villain stood up wiping her cheeks. Looking down at him unable to stop the small smile. That formed

" let's get you back to bed.. ok?"

The Hero and the VillianessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz